MovieChat Forums > Rubber Johnny (2005) Discussion > Is this the worst short ever made?.... Y...

Is this the worst short ever made?.... YES!

Worst short film ever made. Totally stupid, totally gay. I don't know what anyone was trying to do here... but Cunningham's future is over...if it ever really began...


This is a silly thread really. But it's worth saying a few things. Anyone who thinks this is the worst short film ever is clearly talking hyperbole so it can be safely ignored. They couldn't be serious. They obviously don't see enough short films if they are serious. Anyone who thinks this film is without craft or skill is also talking rubbish and has no concept of what must have gone into it to achieve the visuals therein.
However there's a good debate here somewhere. This is clearly a music video, first and foremost. Does the addition of credits make it a short film? Hmm, maybe not. Or maybe it shouldn't, it's hard to say. If you've seen a lot of what gets into short film festivals these days (and often wins) they aren't much more heavy on narrative and character than Rubber Johnny, and often less so. Many so called festival shorts these days seem pretty transparently to be tech demos and show reels for small start-up effects houses, aping music videos without actually being them (if you know what I mean). Festival runners are either too dumb to notice or don't care. I'm not fond of this trend at all, but so long as it persists I'd rather the awards for such stuff went to a genuine craftsman like Cunningham.


I concur.

This wee piece of film is awesome, and anyone who says otherwise should get off thier ass and try and make something better. (good luck with that)

Yes, it is strange, yes it is "freaky" and "wierd", but I think that is mainly the point.

Calling it "gay" is what lame ass ignorants always seem to gravitate towards. Tis a shame it whips above thier feeble little minds.


Absolutely right. It's freaky and disturbing, but also (in its own warped way) hilarious. When he does the line of coke I couldn't stop laughing; and the cuts to the dog's face are great.



I agree, what a waste of time.


...worst short film...? nah...took too long to make yes, but its pretty alright...

...want to see rubbish short films drop by your local university arty farty film department and watch all the fools there trying to copy david lynch or truffaunt or whoever....


I saw enough of the film to wonder: Isn't there enough ugliness in this world? Must people add to it?


I think what we have here is a troll.


''gay'' Lol you must be stupid to spit some *beep* like this :)
maybe, you are... because you dont like it :p


Don't like it, too. Am I automatically a gay? Simple world you're living in.

I admire the skill. But this is useless as long as the whole thing leaves me cold. It might sound pathetic, but show this video to a "mentally retarded" who's sitting in a wheelchair. If you have an uncomfortable feeling with doing so, you might get an idea why I don't like it. Try to find the difference between Dr. Strangelove and Rubber Johnny.

Maybe it is a matter of intelligence (a part of humor...especially black humor), maybe it is because i don't comment clips with sentences like "WA THE *beep* this is SERIOUSLY THE SCARIEST *beep* IVE EVER SEEN HOLY *beep* THAT WAS TWISTED AS HELL, JESUS, IAM GONNA HAVE NIGHTMARES, THIS IS SICK *beep*"...posted on YouTube 19 hours ago...


smoke a bum, lick a bum, too. nothing you will ever do will matter is anyone. taste a boner without letting the skin of the nards dance across your nipple lips. burn an upside cross on your forhead!?


All hail the TheRedEyedMonster!!!!.


jer_66 is a c@nt. Shut the *beep* up you prick you don't know what you're on about
