Highly underrated.

I hear a lot of people hating this movie but then I look at the IMDB message boards and realise there are a lot more people who like it. I thinks it deserves a 7.3/10 as it a good movie with some really good acting from Christian Bale and Sam Worthington and good story with a few plot holes. People just hate it for tiny reasons which can be explained. I for one think this movie is a good movie and I can rewatch it quite a few times. Is there anyone else who agrees with me?


just rewatched it and i gotta say it's a solid movie. it has some beautiful shots and some good ideas, so you can tell they really tried to add something to the franchise. at the same time i they shouldve focused on john a little bit more and tie the previous films to this one to make it closer to the franchise. Also, i wouldve kept skynet a little bit more mysterious just to keep it interesting. i wanted the feel of the T1 and T2 future segments, so rather dark, claustrophobic and twisted. the open wide daylight desert wasnt terminator for me at least. i wanted to see the horror of skynet in dark urban areas.


Actually, I think it's an overrated piece of trifling *beep*

A so-called Terminator movie where the future looks peachy and the Terminators are no more threatening than your average house fly. Little children can bait and out-smart them with the ease of the Road Runner tricking Wile E Coyote. A human resistance having no qualms or bothers whatsoever about prancing around freely in the broad *beep* daylight. Everyone looking healthy and clean and fit as hell. Transformers everywhere..............Bad acting from all involved,....No horror, no suspense, no grit, no edge, no wit, no charm,..... I could go on and on with the myriad of problems with this insipid, vapid, PG-rated, castrated piece of Terminator-mythology-insulting crap all day, but there have been more than enough legit material posted on the internet over the years for me to not have to bother repeating.

Suffice it to say there would be those that would like McG's Throwanator $$$alvation, but to go so far to crown it "underrated", as if a 6.7 isn't already too goddamn high for this soulless sell-out piece of frivolous crap, is simply taking a joke too far. There are many films, some EXCELLENT films in fact, that are WAY underrated and under-appreciated on imdb by today's shallow audiences that seem to require everything to be some shiny, CGI-loaded, superhero-ish, piece of frivolity, ..........but McG's MTV-inspired pos Throwmanator Crapvation certainly isn't one of them.

It should be no higher than a 5/10. Indicative of the pure dull/mind-numbing mediocrity that it truly is.



Mwhahaha... so true.
And the saddest thing is: they started out the right way by setting the film in the future to avoid further time travel kerfuffle. They could have found a new angle to look on what we already know. Just imagine the fear shown in the small future sequences of T1 and T2, the idea of being steadily on the run and somehow avoiding the invincible machines, just to be infiltrated by a humanoid robot at some point, the tactical background which results from that asymmetrical situation - there is so much one could do with that. Instead they invalidate everything we have seen before by having some kind of military base and some honest eye-to-eye fight. The individual robots are just little obstacles. They virtually use NOTHING of the claustrophobic vision Cameron had.

This movie might have an average blockbuster production value, but writingwise it works on the level of a bad b-movie. The result is so subpar that 5/10 would simply be not fair to movies which fail on great ideas, lack of budget or whatever other reasons one can find for great intentions gone wrong. This movie had no intentions at all, except cashing in on a frenchise and using it as a cash cow, while slowly sucking the life out of one of the most interesting science fiction ideas every created for a movie.


You're right of course, but I thought I'd go a little easy on it and say no higher than a 5. It really is a 4/10 effort tbh.

Personally I rated it a 3/10. I give two points to the hard work of the technical crew for pulling off some good visuals, and one point for Moon Bloodgood's perky tits.



I really could not agree more with the both of you. What happened to the horrible nuclear winter that turned each day into perpetual night?! The metallic endoskeletons firing lasers that blasted massive holes in soldiers that they couldn't survive? I still think of the atmosphere from the T1 and T2 flash forwards as one of the scariest ones ever created in a futuristic sci-fi movie. This movie just makes me sad at how badly its potential was wasted.


A common objection with Terminator Salvation is that "this future isn't like the future scenes we saw T1 and T2." It has to be remembered that this film wasn't actually trying to recreate those bleak visions. This story is showing us what happened in 2018, not 2029.

Assuming there was a nuclear winter after Judgement Day (taking into account what scientists who studied this theory knew at the time), it would have been over by 2018. The future war scenes in T1 and T2 don't have a nuclear winter, it's simply night time. (The novelisation of T2 by Randall Frakes mentioned that the nuclear winter after Judgement Day lasted two years.)

The metallic endoskeletons that fire lasers haven't been built yet, because this film is set earlier in the war, with earlier models of Terminator, earlier models of Hunter Killers, a struggling Resistance run by incompetent leaders etc. Naturally, the future in this film is not like the flashbacks we saw in T1 and T2, which are set 11 years further on. Terminator Salvation is not a perfect film by any means, but I can forgive its shortcomings. It's in my DVD collection with the first three Terminator films.


You clearly know a lot more about the subject than I do. Thank you for the reply!

Even after knowing that information and understanding what they were attempting to do with the story, I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't afraid for humanity's existence like in the first 2 films. The terminators weren't as threatening and the resistance had much more sufficient military capabilities to make them a formidable opponent. I really didn't care if the terminators wiped everyone out. I don't know, maybe I'm just being too picky with this movie and should try to look past its flaws. I'll give the whole series a rewatch.


This story is showing us what happened in 2018, not 2029
That just changed everything. So, T-800 is still in earlier less lethal version and Conner is still learning to be the leader he hasn't yet become? That sort of iron out a lot of wrinkles.

I wasn't taking more of these dates.


"That just changed everything. So, T-800 is still in earlier less lethal version and Conner is still learning to be the leader he hasn't yet become?"

In 2018, the most advanced Terminators are supposed to be the hulking T-600s with rubber skin. They're probably as intelligent as the aerial HKs Reese told Sarah about in T1. ("Not too bright.")

But John Connor's confidence took a bit of a knock when he saw Marcus Wright. It's as if Skynet had skipped past the T-800 earlier than it should have done. Hence John's crisis of faith, and the idea that he doesn't know his enemy like he thought he did. Or could it be that Marcus Wright and the T-800 that was throwing John around really come from 2029 themselves?


As a Terminator film I didn't like, but I think I would have liked it more if it was an action film not related to the Terminator series.



This movie was good even by a terrible music video director McG. The people expected T2 and didn't quite get that. If it bared a different name, the ratings would of been higher. I enjoyed the movie, I am a Terminator fan, watched T2 so many times on VHS that it was completely destroyed. I remember coming home after school and first thing I did was pop in T2 VHS and watched it months and months straight that I remembered every line. In my 30's now and I still watch it time to time. I've had so many copies of it on DVD also. Salvation didn't live up to what people expected but as a movie in general it was pretty good. Deserves a 7.5 at least.


I wouldn't say it was a bad movie. It was just completely unnecessary for the Terminator storyline. At MOST it's just a filler movie that shows us how Kyle joined the resistance and how John got his facial scars. That it. If this movie was cut out of the franchise completely and they made a T5 that takes place after T4, not a single person would miss anything that happened between T3 and T5. It was just irrelevant to the story. Really, it felt like an excellently written fanfiction story that was made into a story.
T4 basically tells us that an experiment was made on this new character that's completely irrelevant to the series, turning him into a half-man half-machine that informed John that Kyle was in danger. So they go on a rescue mission, save Kyle, John gets his faced scratched, and the new character sacrifices himself to save John, and the story moves. You know what, WHO CARES?!? It's all pointless. What does any of it have to do with the war? It's nothing but a simple side story.


I think T4 is a pretty good movie. like many say, the problem is, it is the wrong future. not the one the fans wanted. The fans dident want a 2018 future war, but 2029. Lasers, skulls on the ground an such.

Ok, so we dident get the future war we wanted. But beside that, the movie is pretty good. Good action, Ok direction, good acting, good effects. pg13 is realy crap. Solid 7 in my book.


I don't get it, what is this PG-13 movie missing that an R-rating would have made it better?! Please tell me. T3 was R and people shat on that movie as well. What did that movie have that made it R and what was missing in this movie that makes in PG-13 & crap? The language? T2 was rather tame when compared to Salvation as well (Knife poke to the face, Pointed finger to the eye rates an R? There was barely any blood if any.)

I honestly don't get people's gripe. Once you pass 21, who give's a f what the rating of a movie is? Did this movie need a bunch of F bombs or tits to make a point? No, so what's the big deal?

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


I really liked it. Seeing the resistence in its early efforts was very interesting. I´m a dying hard terminator fan, so maybe my opinion is biased but it was a great addiction to the franchising.


I remember not liking it that much back when I saw it in theaters. I just got a copy and watched the directors cut. It was much better then I remember. I really liked the majority I still can't get over the corny ending where Marcus just randomly gives up his heart to John, they then complete open heart surgery in the middle of a desert.....Other then that I loved it. Wish they would have kept going with these.


People just hate it for tiny reasons which can be explained.

Or maybe they hate it for huge reasons which can't be.

Such as malignant stupidity running through many aspects of this movie.

You spell God with a G, I spell Nature with an N. Capital. - Frank Lloyd Wright
