MovieChat Forums > Peaceful Warrior (2006) Discussion > Salva is a convicted child molester

Salva is a convicted child molester

Victor Salva is a convicted child molester who is still denying that he did anything wrong when he had "consentual oral sex" with a 12-yr-old child when Salva was 30. He took video while doing this. There is no doubt about this - the films he took forced him into a guilty plea. If you just spent five minutes checking you'd see that it's even listed on IMDB. Plese don't support this man's work.


just my opinion, but if it's a potentially good movie why punish all the good, honest, creative, hard working souls who participated in making this film, just because one guy, the director committed a crime?



Actually, it's mostly about the fact that he's the director. In my humble opinion [I don't think that anyone should be hiring sex offenders to direct movies].


Salva's past is particularly interesting in the context of the current role he's set up for himself- that of inspirational filmmaker. Beyond the question of whether it's morally right to support him lies the question of why Dan Milman and his crowd would want to associate so strongly with someone who refuses to take responsibility for prior very bad acts- particularly when his present artisitic expression strongly suggests he's still got issues in that area.

TV Guide critic , Maitland McDonough, said it best, I think: "And it must be said that Salva's more-than-slightly creepy obsession with nubile, half-clad young men, evident in films ranging from CLOWNHOUSE (1989) to JEEPERS CREEPERS (2001), really isn't in sync with Millman's message of metaphysical uplift."

On the other hand, the central theme of the movie seems to be "live in the moment". I can certainly understand why a guy with Vic Salva's past would want to follow THAT philosophy.


My main concern is that Salva is allowed to continue working in an environment that is identical to the one where he committed the crime. What makes his crime different from, say, Polanksi's (in my opinion) is that Polanski's crime was a purely personal one - his role as a director wasn't invovled (at least as far as I can tell). Salva's role as a director of a film with a young boy was pivotal to him being able to seduce a boy which was one of his actors. And he filmed it! Thus his role as filmaker was integral to the crime. Allowing him to work as a director at all I think is wrong. To allow him to make films focusing and starring young men just makes my skin crawl. I saw Jeepers Creepers before I knew his background, and I thought the scene where the creature tracked down the young boy by sniffing his dirty underwear was strange. After I read about Salva's background, I actually felt physical ill when I remembered that scene.

I have read multiple invterviews with Salva and nowhere has he ever expressed any tinge of remorse, regret or acknowledgement that he did something wrong. He only said 'I did time. I moved on'. This is not say that he doesn't regret what he did, only that this doesn't come out (at least to me) in the interviews I have read. The fact that he is still making films with young, scantily clad boys makes me seriously wonder if he has truly repented. Someone with a problem who is really sorry wants to AVOID the environment that could lead to him/her repeating the act. An ex-alcoholic, for example, that has fully recovered wouldn't spend his nights at bars - or open up a liquor store. And a teacher convicted of child molesting one of his under age students shouldn't work in an elementary school after being released from prison. Why are the rules different for a film director?

And yes, if Polanski made a film about naked 13 year old girls who have sex with older men, I would feel the same way. That would creep me out too.

No, I don't know everyone's personal crimes and sins. I also know that if we refuse to watch anything by anybody who has sinned we wouldn't watch anything. But at some point a line must be drawn. Adolf Hitler was supposedly a very loving husband. But would you buy a book by him on 'how to love your wife?". Charles Manson played guitar. Would you buy one of his albums?

Each of us draws our own lnes. Personally, I think the real problem is that this man should be barred from directing films - or at least films with young boys. I don't want to deny this man a livelyhood - but neither do I want him around young boys. And I would think neither would he.

Thanks for listening.


Bar him from making films? Jeez. And who do you suggest should do that? A government agency? Those moral beings with impeccable behavior? As a mom, this is what I suggest - be informed. Sex offenders have to register and there is a national database you can use online. I know where every sex offender in my neighborhood lives and I'm careful. Don't let your kids near these people and that includes famous directors. As far as boycotting his film - do that if it makes you feel better but it's possible that the reason why he did this film in the first place is because he read the book and he's a better person for it. It's a wonderful book and has changed many lives. I'd forgive him but keep an eye on him around kids. How's that for straddling both sides? LOL.



adslut perfectly scripted that statement. He's been convicted. He's done his time. Forgive him, but do not forget.

Do you know how many people work on each movie? Hundreds. Thousands sometimes. I bet at least one person on each set that has something to do with the movie is extremely sick, and hasn't been caught. If you boycott one thing, you must boycott everything.


I think that "he's done his time" is just a euphemism for "we couldn't afford to jail him for as long as we should have," and as a result we generally give criminals paltry sentences that do not fit the crime. As a result, personally I believe that "he's done his time" is also meaningless rhetoric.

Also, as has been mentioned before, I think the issue is really that this particular person occupies the position of leader, so to speak, of this movie, and not one of the many peons, so to speak, who are trying to get by just like everyone else needs to. And, in society we already have a system in place [in some industries] for ensuring we don't have people with a criminal record working in places that we don't want them to, ex. construction companies that have to be "bonded."


Also, in anticipation of a response that "he's done his time" is not meaningless as it is the amount of time our justice system has settled on for the crime [regardless of the reasons why this amount of time was settled on], I think it is important to mention that a harsher treatment of sex offenders seems to be the theme of the original post for this thread.


Just came from seeing this movie and it portrayed the real deal. I had no idea about Salva, but I agree you should go see this movie regardless. Ill will is the lump of salt that keeps bad effects/concequenes alive, but if you put the salt in a lake of water it becomes less salty. I hope Mr. Silva keeps making more movies like this to add to his lake of water. God's compassion and generosity is greater than our 'forgivness'.


it utterly astounds me that people talk about salva as though he only commited benefit fraud or filed incorrect tax returns. As though, it's 'ungodly' to bear a grudge against man who has made nothing more than a simple lapse in judgement. "He repeatedly molested a twelve year old boy, filmed it for his own gratification and only stopped because he got caught but give the guy a break, he makes up for it with some pretty good films...."

Is that how people should look at it? Let's hope if your little brother/son/nephew/cousin/friend is ever molested repeatedly by some pervert you show the same compassion. After all, despite ruining your child, he may play a mean guitar solo.

With Salva's 'lake'(!) of good films, such as it is, do you think there may be some artistic content in the recordings he made of himself molesting little boys? The addition of that body of work would pretty much turn the 'lake' into a sewer, don't you think? or maybe you would like to see those too, from an artistic standpoint, obviously! Or would that be the point when it was finally taken too far?!

There are some really warped minds around here.


You might want to provide a reference for the quote that you have used. It sounds to me like it might have been sarcastic, so I'm interested to know which post it was. It can be helpful for the rest of us if you respond directly to the person who said this.


it wasn't a quote from anyone. it represents what the pervading justification seems to be for this mean earning a living through public money while some young man out there every day has to re-live and live with what Salva did to him as a child for the rest of his life.


Oops, it sounded familiar.


Is there any reason I should like this film less because he directed it?

What purpose does it serve that I know of Salva's horrible crime?

It is still a great film, wether you like it or not. And FYI: I really dont give a crap about director's ... so this movie could be directed by Hitler himself and I still couldnt care less!

It's a great movie. Dont ruin it!
Esoteric is, when cellulitis moves from the ass to the brain.


like I said, i'm staggered how people are able to divorce themselves from the fact that Salva is a sick convicted peadophile because they find the movie he made to be 'great'. 'Don't ruin it'?! There is at least one person out there (that we know of) that he ruined as a child, but don't 'ruin' the movie?! FFS!

I guess for some of you there is nothing a person could do where you would finally take a stand so long as he/she directed a 'great movie'?

'This movie could be directed by Hitler and I still couldn't care less?!' Is that supposed to be sarcastic or literal?! Either way your parents must be really proud of the amazing job they have done raising such an insensitve, shallow, self absorbed person such as you. By the same token, if that sick freak who slaughtered all thos kids at VT hadn't taken the easy way out last week and had a movie out you'd be happy to pay your money and promote it because 'you don't give a crap about directors'? Indeed, it would be wrong to not allow him the chance to get rich off the public seeing his film based on what he had done because it's 'all about the movie', not about the hundreds of people's lives he managed to destroy in one morning?!

What's the matter with you?!

You may have such a lack of human empathy that you could forgive a peadophile in the same way you would forgive a shoplifter, and give your money and blessing to help maintain his lifestyle, I'm afraid I only have concern and sympathy for the [one known] child's life that he managed to ruin in such a depraved manner. Call me old fashioned that way!


Hey, I am damn proud of my lack of human empathy. It gives me a rational view on things other people will never have because they are led 100% by unlogical emotions!

And oh yes, if Hitler had directed an awesome movie I would watch it and it wouldnt have any moral implications for me. Because watching this movie made by Hitler wouldnt make me a nazi and a fascist, just as watching this movie will not make me a child molester.

And I say it again: I did never and will never "forgive" Salva or Hitler for what they did. BECAUSE IT DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT I LIKE THIS MOVIE! I am not responsible for Salva's crimes nor am I responsible for his prosecution or absolution.

The fate of that individual who was molested is a sad thing, sure, and raising public awareness of child molesting is a good thing, and as I said, I so frickin' dont care what you do with Salva, but please: Dont decry this movie based on the doings of the unimportant director!
Esoteric is, when cellulitis moves from the ass to the brain.



I was trying to make up my mind on whether to watch this film having read all the input here. There is one reason why this belongs here on this movie, and not just on "his" message board. Other pedophiles are required to find work that ensures that they do not come in contact with children, why should a director be excluded from this? When "Powder" was released, the 12 year old he molested was then 20, and he asked publicly that people not support his work. When I read that, I've decided to read the book instead.


I didn't even know Victor Salva directed Peaceful Warrior before I watched it and you know what, it would not have mattered one bit.

It was an excellent film, surely some of you can find a better cause to fret about than care...boycott a Michael Moore movie instead.

You people who are telling others not to watch, you're reading to much Ann Coulter. There are a lot of contradictions in life...people are maimed so women can have diamond rings...that's a bit more disturbing than Victor Salva making a movie. I watch Roman Polanski movies too.

By the way, Salva served 15 months in prison...15 years wouldn't have been enogh for some of the people on this board...get over yourself please.


You're not a Christian are you?


If Christian means hypocritcal, judgemental and and holier than I am not. If Christain means someone who is or tries their best to be Christlike in their thoughts and actions and deeds, then, yes I am. Way too many people claim to be Christian. I was at a dinner party where a man who is college educated, allegedy Christain and the former mayor of a small town said "Aids is God's way of klling all the gay people..." How can you possibly be Christian and say something as hateful as that? I just shook my head and walked away....that wasn't easy, but nothing I say will change a pea brain like that.


I have yet to meet a level headed Christian. In fact, my mom asked me to critique a book for a friend of hers at her church. I'm not looking forward to it. i can expect a lot of hypocrisy already.


I love kids! I'm definitely going to check out this movie!


ever think that people change their ways if he's too busy making films to molest a kid isn't that a good thing?



old news!!!


Oh this again!


Well, I didn't know this before I watched the movie and it doesn't affect my opinion of it.

I do feel though, that we as a group allow "big stars" or persons in the public eye, to get away with these transgressions, yet bash the "regular people", that are just average Joe's.

If you worked with someone in your office that was a registered sex offender, the main point of conversation wouldn't be "wow, that Salva is really a good salesperson", it would be "I ain't brining my boy around work anymore, not around that sick freak." And that's the truth. It is what it is and we are at fault for that. If everyone should be treated equally, just go to your states sex offender list, and bam, you get a picture of the guy along with his address.
Find out where he works, and if he's a good worker, then you can go up and tell 'em you think that it ain't a problem that he likes to sexually satisfy 12 year old children 'cuz he does magnificent work as a janitor.

Secondly, someone previously wrote "I DOUBT THAT A 12 YEAR OLD HAVING SEX WILL HAVE MUCH HARM."

What a naive and ridiculous statement. This MAYYYYYY be the case, but I stress MAYYYYY!!!! Unfortunately, the victim of this sex crime might become fascinated with young boys himself or be sexually impotent the rest of his life. Is this man now confused about his own sexuality? There are many questions, but the answer is not that you doubt it will have an affect on him.
And I feel sorry that you can't have a lil' more sympathy.



Ya' know what? A few hundred years ago (even less if you travel south far enough to reach Jerry Lee Lewis' house) it was perfectly acceptable to 'lay down' with someone of 12 years old. A few hundred years from now, it will probably be acceptable once again. Morals--like what is "right and wrong"--are relative at best. So you are the type of person who falls hook line and sinker for America's antiquated, puritanical, Christian-driven, and often draconian versions of 'morality.' Should everyone be so small minded? Perhaps the next time you feel the need to read the bible, you should instead grab a book about philosophy. There is no right or wrong! Just man-made laws and the people who are frightened enough of TRUE freedom to obey them.

That being said... every case/instance should be judged individually. Just HOW mature and consensual was this 12 year old? You know that the majority of the models that are on billboards and in magazines today are about 13 - 16 years old. How many of YOU have ever fantasized about these celluloid versions of what you consider to be oh so "wrong?!" How many of you can say that if you were given the opportunity to actually fulfill one of these fantasies, you would let your 'morals' guide the way? (Model Kate Moss owes her entire career to the fact that when she first started she was many man's perfect woman--an 18 year old, who looked like she was 11. Calvin Klein certainly had no problem utilizing this particular facet of her beauty in early ads.) And most importantly, did this 12 year old let his/her age be known to Salva before they did what they did? Did the person lie about their age? When a man's reputation and life are on the line, a certain level of objectivity and open-mindedness should be intrinsic in those who are charged with passing judgment on him.

"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself."



The people who are the hardest to love are usually the people who need it the most.


there is only here and now

great story!!!


Not watch Roman Polanski movies? Absolutely correct.

A lot of people told me "The Pianist" was a really good show, and I am sure it probably is, but there is not a chance in hell of my seeing that guy's movies while he is still drawing breath. Knowing that he is a lawfully convicted child molester who fled the country rather than serve the sentence he pled guilty to is enough to prevent me from even renting his films. You can argue that I am not separating the art from the artist, but we all have our lines, and that is where I draw mine. I'll rent "Chinatown" after he's passed on.

And while we are on the topic, what the hell was Brett Ratner thinking putting this creep into "Rush Hour 3"? It's not like I was going to rush out and see a tired threequel like that at any rate, but still, is Polasnki a good actor or does Ratner think he's been hard done by?

Victor Salva is a somewhat different case, insofar as he did at least face the music for what he did at one point, but the constant presence of shirtless boys in his flicks really gives me pause, and so I continue to vote with my dollars and not see his shows.


Do you listen to Michael Jackson records? It's not that big a deal to separate the artistic product from the guy who created it.
