MovieChat Forums > Robot Chicken (2001) Discussion > Skits you can watch 3 billion times and ...

Skits you can watch 3 billion times and still laugh your head off

I'd say 3 Fast 3 Furious.



The Shawshank Redemption, with the Joker and Batman.


Any skit with the Lohans on it. Hahaha, Breckin Meyer is a genius.

I have no idea what to put here...


The Shawshank/Arkham Batman Parody- "I need a large poster of Phyllis Diller!" "Buffalo wings - do your thing!" "I remember thinking that was about the length of 5 ping-pong tables, again not so good with the math."

Rumplestiltskin in the john with Rod Serling in the next stall. "Rumplestiltskin - not a creature of this world, but a user of it's bathrooms - leaving behind basketball-sized chocolate covered moon babies . . ."

I keep those on my DVR cuz they crack me up so much.

The hip-hop Dark Cyrstal is classic too.


"I Wanna Rock!"

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I crack up everytime I see the Raisin Bran quickshot with the giant sun tossing massive raisins onto cars and people, shouting "TWO SCOOPS!"


Definitely the one with 'The Real World: Metropolis'.
Superman being such a pretentious ass, Aquaman keeps getting screwed over...
Batman is the funniest though. Being a drunk and getting out of every situation by saying "The bat-signal!".

"That's MY steak, Valance."


3 sketches make me laugh no matter what

Just The Good Parts - especially The Shining and King Kong
Calvin and Hobbes - HILARIOUS
Fumbles nicknamed sniper - " you live with it"

The New England Patriots - Super Bowl XLIV Champions


Burt Reynolds's bloopers for 3F3F. His bloopers are always hilarious. Montage Man. The one where the two guys on are on the seesaw & the kid asks if he can play & the guy screams: "Oh, you go striahgt to hell, you piece of garbage!". Just The Good Parts. Specifically, The Shining & There Will Be Blood. Made me die... Laughing. Most of the Star Wars ones. Bob Barker super hero guy. I fall on the ground laughing at the very end.
"Spay & neuter your pets today!"
"*** you, Bob Bark--"

And the movie theater scene with all the trailers.
And If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.
And the giraffe one.


OMG I can't believe I forgot the gummi bear one! That one is great, the scream always gets me!


little hitler
the one with the soccer kid keeps getting hit by car.
Usually gummi bear an care bear ones.
Dark Crystal
Batman and Two face.
Voltron dancing 1st season.
Micheal Bay explosion!
Lance Armstron France skit

those come to mind right away, im sure there are more.


Popeye the sailor man and Wimpy. When Wimpy pleaded for his life by offering to "orally pleasure" Popeye, I laughed so hard, I had to call off work with a migraine headache and a sore throat.

And the Richie Rich CRIBS skit. Richie was coming off LIKE A BOSS through the whole thing, but I lost it when he said, "I'm so (bleep) rich, I even got my DOG gold plated. He wasnt dead, I just wanted him gold plated! AND THAT'S WHAT I DO!! I GETS WHAT I WANT !! I WANTED MY DOG GOLD PLATED!!


Ahhhhh Paper cut!

Sir Mix-a-lot - Table be round


Dr Ball MD

Crack me up everytime


I thought of this and compiled a list:
-'Stalin and Me' “This is Me, and this is Stalin. We’re married.”
-'Darkest Sketch'
-'Enter the Fat One' (Specifically the line “Reaganomics!”)
-'The Diary of Anne Frank' (I could see Disney doing it)
-'Quantum Leap sketch' “Ziggy says in order to leap out you’re gotta work the shaft. Work the shaft Sam! There you go.”
-'Alien vs. Predator ‘First Date’'
-'Skater McGee'
-'Morning Wood' (I had this song stuck in my head for a day straight)
-'Idle Nuts'
-'The Neverending Party' "And then the boy took a big crap. Hey, I'm taking a big crap! Wow!"
-'Captain Planet' “Protect the environment or I’ll *beep* kill you! Captain Planet!"
-'Eagle Eye'
-'Golden Girls and the City' (I love the ending)
-'Final Fantasy VII sketch'
-'Cuddles Fabric Softener' (This was funny in an "Oh my God, I can't believe they did that!" sort of way)
-'Care Bear Genocide' "Ya'll know what time it is; it's bed time. And by bed I mean ethnic and by time I mean cleansing."
-'Do you get it?' (The Doctor Who reference)
-'E.T. returns Home': “Kleborp the retard with only one glowing finger!” and the way E.T. screams.
-'The Best Spaceship Ever' (I know this is a parody but I don't know what it is)
-'Zod sketch' “Kneel before zod!”
-'The Beastmaster: The Musical' (Something about the line “I’ll get you beastmaster!” cracks me up every time)
-'NORAD shoots down Santa'
-'Calvin and Hobbs sketch' “Fasten your seatbelt Hobbs, we’re going to Mars! Wow! Mars is Amazing!”
-'Two Weeks Notice' “So this is your two weeks then?...I see.”
-'Titanic IMing sketch'
-'The Foo Fighters' "Shut up foo!' Hit him in his microphis"
-'The Worst Halloween part 2' “Randy Mcormick! Randy Mcormick! I’m gonna kill you man! Argh!”
-'GPS Dating'
-'Ebert and M. Night's movie review' “Schindler’s List 2. Schindler’s pissed.”
-'The ‘Sleestak Library’ sketch' (Just a series of ‘sshhh’s’)
-'Illegal Alien Problems' “They’ll execute me in the country! You are killing me, you are killing me!”
-'Ghost Rider on a segway'
-'Give a Mouse a Cookie'
-'Follow the Light, Rainbow' (Just something about rainbow bright following the sphere of light to her death being the origin of how she became rainbow bright is funny to me)
-'Gummy Bears'
-'Stan Lee and Pamela Anderson' “Zounds! I’ve been caught! But they’ll never take me alive! Excelsior!”
-'Micro Machines Man'(Because I grew up with them and because of what he’s talking about if you can pay attention to his fast speech)"Micro Machines Man here to tell you about the genuine original marvelously majestic micro machine "Street Snapper" Colossal Collection! Make these cars zoom and vroom, veer and steer, jump and bump, flip and fly. Micro Machines Man used to own a 1965 Mustang convertible but his wickedly witchefying wife took it and everything he owned in a strikingly sadistic divorce proceeding that left yours truly emasculated. Devoid of testicles, nada, nothing but an endless empty scrotum swinging, swaying between his legs like a portentous pendulum tick-tock ticking away the fleeting remains of yesterday's youth, VIM, and vigor. Yes, the sea cow from the black hole of despair married Micro Machines Man not for the everlasting promise of eternal tongue-tickling but for an AMORPHOUS AMOUR only a sick sad SUCCUBUS could infectiously inflict on a rapidly BALDING butt-head with poor potential prospects; I'll never see my kids again! Tonight's the night of nights when a rigid Remington rifle barrel gets frenetically fellated and brain matter goes splitter splatter and the big blanket of dim dark darkness gives cold comfort to a broken bitter bastard! For more pointless products you can't take with you to the grave!"
-'The Humping robot and the slot machine' (I love the pause where the old woman just stands there staring and then starts humping the machine too)
-The “And How Did that joke make you Feel” sketch where they swap the color of the people but not the voices.
-'Japanese Mr. Rogers'
-'Spawn Went Down to Georgia' (Another song I had stuck in my head)
-'Everybody Hates Christ'
-'The Pursuit of Happy Days' “So can you repair jukeboxes?” “Uh, no, but if it’s plugged in and it’s off I can turn it on by bumping my fist” “Why don’t you just use the switch?” “…woahh.” (Like he’s shocked at the concept)
-The 'Look at the Baby' sketch (just the look on their face when the nurse puts the blanket over the dead baby’s head)
-'The Vampire 24 parody'
-'PaRappa the Rapper' sketch
-'Just the Good Parts' (The Shining and King Kong especially as well)
-'Three Days in the life of Jason Voorhees.'
-'James Bond and Christmas' “You Know me, I gotta be James” (the look on his face at the end cracks me up)
-'Dick Cheney in Iron Man'
'Lil' Magnum P.I.' (The line 'Woo-woo-woo-woo, you better let Magnum go sucka', woo-woo-woo-woo)
-The Hannah Montana sketch (I’ve never watched the show but know the basic premise to it and love how they took it to an extreme as well as Lindsay Lohan referring to dolphins as "Smile sharks!")
-'Billy Joel’s piano man origins'
-'G.I. Joe’s Fumbles'
-'Wild Man'


Oh god, me too about Richie Rich. GOLD PLATED DOG!


I also enjoy the 300 jokes, specifically when he's watching Two and a Half Men, 'THIS.. ISN'T.. FUNNAAAAY!'


The "Did that bloooow your miiiiiind?" one with the giant carrot never fails to make me laugh!


From the latest Stars Wars one.

"My lord"
"My lord"
"My lord"
"My lord"
"**** you"
"My lord"
"Go **** yourself"


ABSOLUTELY My favourite three:

1. Jesus and the Argonauts, where the Giant keeps hitting him into the ground... "Okay, you're really starting to piss me off"
2. The Play Mobils who escape from the Indians, go to the Playmobil Mansion and the Indians keep attacking XD
3. Parody of Calvin and Hobbes

I haven't seen any of these listed, so I may be alone. I just find them hysterical. When I saw them for the first time high, I was rolling on the ground for at least 5 minutes.

smoke weed everyday.


Really? no one's mentioned the dragon ball z christmas skit.

Gohan: What are Composite Santa's Powers
Goku:Idk but he freaks me right the f#&K out!

Goku: the tanka ichibutikai is finally complete.
Santa: WTF are you talking about? was that even english? What happened to my wife?!

I die laughing every time.

"I didn't mail my work up in here you ain't finna mail me no check."


I thought I mentioned DBZ skit, maybe not. I like when Goku cocks the gun when Santa comes down an says "if its not I gotta present for him"


The "Clash of the Titans"/"Shawshank Redemption"-one, where Kraken returns to normal life, after being captivated so long. It's probably the one I've seen the most times, unless it's...

..."Empire on Ice", I can't believe no one has mentioned it yet, it's just so brilliant! "Here we are, the Empire on ice!" Classic, that's the clip that introduced me to Robot Chicken, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

Is this stuff sterile? I want to kill him, not some secondary infection.
