MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Doctor Who - The Eaters of Light *spoile...

Doctor Who - The Eaters of Light *spoilers*

First off, have to say that it was a big improvement on the previous week's episode. Secondly, that's not a big hoop to have to jump through.

The Doctor, Bill, and Nardole land in Scotland, in the 2nd century. Bill, a history buff when it comes to the 9th Legion of Roman soldiers who were stationed there, has told The Doctor that the soldiers were defeated. The Doctor thinks there's more it. In any case, the 9th Legion (5,000-men strong) was never heard from again.

As Bill goes off to find the soldiers - who should be easy to spot as they march home - The Doctor and Nardole discover the dessicated remains of most of the men.

"What could do that?" Nardole enquires.
The Doctor replies,"The complete and total absence of any kind of sunlight."
"Death by Scotland," muses Nardole.

Though of course there's more to it than the climate of Aberdeen.

Bill stumbles across a handful of the remaining soldiers, who've holed up in a cave, fearing for their lives from whatever's been killing them off. Meanwhile, The Doctor and Nardole encounter the Picts, simple Scottish farmers. Their leader, Kar, takes credit for killing the Roman soldiers. And in a way, she did. She opened a gate to another dimension - one she's supposed to be guarding - to let a "Light Eater" through to attack her hated enemy the Romans. Of course now it's loose in this dimension, unstoppable and getting stronger everytime the sun rises.

Lots of funny dialogue through the ep. like The Doctor revealing that he's lived in Roman Britain before. He's governed, farmed, juggled and was "a former Vestal Virgin Second Class" - which shocks Nardole that he only rose that high.

And there's a surprise for Bill and Nardole when they return to the TARDIS: Missy. The Doctor has brought her onboard to travel with them. Which should be quite interesting because next week's episode not only has the Cybermen but John Simm's Master!


[spoiler]Give us a kiss![/spoiler]

I liked it, preferred the end stuff though.


Read this exert from some poor sap who watched this tripe to see if Doctor Who had gotten any "better" this far into the season (hey, someone's got to monitor Moffat's slop, and it ain't gonna be me)

Here's what he reported:

Scene Bill and 9th legion Roman soldiers sitting around

Bill: oh no sorry I only like girls

Once again her lesbian traits are shoehorned into every ep. Worst character ever!!


Yep, the Moffat apologists/BBC shills have been caught lying again, when they claim that "Bill" being a lesbian is not the defining trait of the character, that it was only mentioned in the first episode, and that Bill is a well-written three dimensional character who is only gay to demostrate that "being gay is no big deal anymore"

This entire season has been marketed around SHE'S GAY!!!!!!!!!!! since Day One, and Moffatt's "gay" characters only exist for the purpose of "being gay" and promoting how "progressive" the show is by mentioning they are gay every time they appear on the show.

Facts prove Moffat shrills wrong.
