MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Who's era would you call more "adult"?

Who's era would you call more "adult"?

I don't want cheap answers like " it's a family show "

or " it shouldn't have to be.. bla bla "

Moffat or Russel Davies?


I feel like Moffat's era is darker and more for adults. I never watched Tennant's run first time around because it just seemed too childish for me and he personally was too OTT for me. I have rewatched it now and there are some great episodes but overall I still prefer the show with a darker tone.


Any era that didn't showcase a companion fawning over the Doctor.

...keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race


I'd say the Paul Mgcgann American one. In that the Doctor makes out with a companion and gets shot and killed by gangbangers.


Which era was most adult? Either the first three years of 4, 5, 7 and 8.
