MovieChat Forums > The Puffy Chair (2007) Discussion > Did anyone else think emily was a whiny ...

Did anyone else think emily was a whiny little bitch?

I would've probably dumped her the first minute into the movie!


Yes. I was glad to see the movie had a happy ending.


She had every right to get pissed off at Josh.

She was trying to have a night for the TWO of them TOGETHER as a couple before Josh left. She asked him not to take the call, Period. He did and it went on to long and the talk started to get ridiculous so she got mad.

If any of you who are calling her psycho have ever experienced a romantic dinner, Josh was being an idiot for sure and did indeed ruin the night. I don't blame her for getting pissed! I wouldn't put up with that.


I thought the pushing the plates off the table and running out was too extreme, and made her seem like a whacko. Having been in a few situations like that, I can say it's very frustrating. (And I'm the kind of person who turns OFF his cellphone at most dinners like that; but in this case it was made plain that he wasn't just shooting the breeze, it was an important phone call for his nascent business.)


Right, that's an important point about his business. Although didn't the guy he was talking to shoot him down on some point of business to start the call?

Anyway, if this is someone whose ass he has to kiss for business reasons, she was being very petulant and self-centered.

My top 250:


My ex was JUST like her, dead serious. I was really sympathetic towards Mark and I think that drew me into the movie a lot more then I expected.


I think everyone in this movie was a whiny little bitch.


I couldn't stand her. It was an unusual movie in that usually you're cheering for a struggling couple to make it work, and in this one I desperately wanted them to break up, mostly for the guy's sake.

When he finally laid into her at around the 50 minute mark, I felt it was LONG overdue. She kept sulking and abusing him over and over again up to that point and he just put up with it, I guess because she was "hot." I practically started cheering when he finally fought back!


Yes, although he didn't bring up a lot of things he could have, like the constant insecure fishing for compliments, the passive-aggressiveness, the way he had to walk on eggshells around her, etc.

My top 250:


I thought that she was pretty realistic.

She is the typical 26 year old woman, in a relationship for a couple years, and wants to know where it's going. Guys, we're content to just let relationships be what they are. A woman, after a while, wants to know if it's leading to marriage, kids, etc. - and if not, they want out to start investing time into a guy and a relationship that'll go there.

I thought that both Josh and Emily are pretty realistic characters - and a lot of the dialogue rings very true.


the main dude in this movie hated his girlfriend, they never got along. apparently we were supposed to think they did because duplass made goofy faces at her 30 seconds into the movie, but really this movie was a total mess, horrible in every way.


Yes. And she exists all over the world. Insulting, self-serving, insulting, nasty, insulting, and insulting.

Granted, he *was* yacking on his cell phone in the middle of the dinner she made. That was asinine.

I dunno. This movie sucked, but it was good. I am aware that makes no sense.
