MovieChat Forums > Friends with Money (2006) Discussion > What was the Not washing hair thing abou...

What was the Not washing hair thing about?

Can anyone shed some light on why she didnt wash her hair? Did it have any particular significance or was it just the case of a manifestation of her depression or dissatisfaction with life?


It was a lack of self care due to depression. She complains that it hurts to raise her arms and that it just gets dirty anyway. As the movie progresses she feels better and her hair is clean. This is perfect for that character and is a common symptom of clinical depression. She has everything but she has no real drive or satisfaction anymore. She has achieved what she set out to do and is now joyless.


I wondered the same thing and I think it's a vicious circle, she just was too blue and couldn't be bothered. The right shampoo quest was also a factor, I mean, she'd need to try some and find which one worked for her but hey, even I can't be bothered to do that! Or go to a salon. However, she could have asked her husband to wash it for her, he seemed to be the kind of guy who wouldn't mind at all.
And 43 is quite young indeed for menopause, and also, not sure if it proves or disproves this, but her ungay husband said he wanted to have more kids and she said most definitely no.
