MovieChat Forums > Demon Hunter (2005) Discussion > This is... without a doubt...

This is... without a doubt...

... the worst movie I have ever seen. How someone can create something like this and not know it's absolute rubbish in the process is beyond me.

My girlfriend and her friends seem to enjoy looking for bad horror movies, and this movie is why I will try to avoid them when they're in a group and have access to a DVD player.

Urgh. Just, urgh...


so this must be the only movie you've ever seen then, because to be honest, considering the budget it was pretty good, better than a lot of multi-million dollar movies I've seen.


it's not THE worst movie ever, but it's still crap.

always delightful to see another bunch of sad justifications about how another bad movie was just low budget and never supposed to be great so we should all just suck it up, ignore the bad acting/writing/music and poor production and enjoy it for the cheap trash it is, because hey at least they tried right?

yeah...think I'll stick with having standards.


My biggest problem with this movie is that the nun had fake boobs.


The plot was okay to me but I think the movie could have been better if it had been properly done with more creativity and excuse me for using this but how about a little more class, not trash.

Sean Patrick Flanery is a talented actor, why is he wasting his talent on this?



I liked this movie. It was no worse than many other B movies I've seen over the years.

I've always liked Billy Drago in anything he was in and he hammed it up pretty good as Asmodeus. Wish he had more screen time.

As someone above mentioned, Sean Patrick Flanery was good as an anti-hero. Interesting story as well. A man who is the spawn of a demon helping the church hunt down other demons. A bit of a twist on the same ol' formula.

The most interesting part of this movie though is the fact that a male character beats the crap out of female characters. I found that to be a breath of fresh air in the smog of movies (and TV shows) today where females use males as punching bags. A show like Nikita for example with the genders reversed.
