
Monster started out to be very suspenseful, but I can't really call it a suspense anime after watching episodes 20-30. It got very slow, and there were side-tracked stories that were completely unnecesssary to the main plot. This is a great anime, but they made too many episodes. It loses it's luster after a while, but it picks up again as you get further along with the series.

"Blame is for God and small children." - Papillon


I just started watching this show about three days ago, and I'm already half way through because I am REALLY loving it. Even after I cheated a bit and found out the ending of the series through Wikipedia, it still kept me interested with it's characters and story. Spoilers tend to not bother me all that much, so, to me, they are not that important.

And, I am happy to know that this anime does have an ending, unlike many others like Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, which they seem to go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and still going on. To me, that gets really boring when there is no end in sight. As much as I enjoy them, there is a point where I just want to call it quits and I couldn't care less how the story ends. So, I am happy to see that this show isn't like that and that it wants to tell a straight-forward story with characters that I enjoy watching. At this rate, I may be able to finish this series by this coming weekend.



I have to say this series keeps my attention much more then a series like Bleach with a ton of filler episodes. It seems like every episode in this serves its purpose and although there were a few scenes that dragged on, for the most part I have been very entertained. Then again if your the kind of person who likes non stop action then this would probably not be for you.
