Based on Lovecraft

I hope I'm not the only one who realized how blatantly Lovecraftian this film is.

I wonder if Lovecraft's ideas are given credit anywhere, because they take up most of the concepts in the movie.


"I hope I'm not the only one who realized how blatantly Lovecraftian this film is.

I wonder if Lovecraft's ideas are given credit anywhere, because they take up most of the concepts in the movie."

I've read all of Lovecraft's stories about 6-7 times each over the last 35 years, and the only explicitly Lovecraftian reference in the entire film, is when he briefly mentions "the Mountains of Madness." Its the sort of movie that would be likely to appeal to Lovecraft enthusiasts, but it has very little what-so-ever to do with anything Lovecraft ever actually wrote. They were pretty explicit in the movie about its being based on the writings of Richard Shaver, which for anyone who knows anything about the Shaver Mysteries, it clearly was.


Do you not remember "The Statement of Randolph Carter", which is explicitly based around staircases and entrances into an underground nether-realm where monsters lie, which is the premise for the first part of Marebito?


Since when are people required to site their influences?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
