The Bush link

This movie tells us about totalitarian regimes like the one of Sadam Husein, Castro, J.W. Bush. And the story is definitely inspired by Bush. The spoiled, stupid son comes on the thron, after the charismatic father who is a war criminal. So the son is frustrated and gets even worse than his dad. He believes in tarot cards, Bush believes that he can speak with God. But his end comes and the new president is bad too. Who is the victim? Only those who stayed thrue to themselves like Joe.
All in all, politics sucks, Bush and other terrorist’s suck.


Well, how about Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong-Il? The Duvaliers in Haiti? Marcus Aurelius and Commodus in Ancient Rome? Nicholas II in Russia? Yeah, there are no other examples that this very intelligent and historically aware movie could have been referring to...

Nothing that happens on Earth is unknown to Santa Claus!


Clearly the writers had Mr. Hensley, the Vice Principal of my old highschool, in mind. There are too many coincidences to ignore. And if you disagree with me you are dumb, anti-American, and hate Dubya Bush. Because if you were smart you would share my opinion, whether I am right or just right in a different way.

Cognative Dissonance-- Its not just for breakfast anymore.


I watched this movie on DVD for the first time last evening and actually I didn't associate junior with Bush, even though I think he's the worst president ever. No, Junior made me think op baby Doc, the son of former Haiti's dictator papa Doc.

I thought it a fantastic movie. It didn't only show the horrors of totalitarian regimes, but the absurdity of them as well. I had to laugh in so many places! The unclear era, the imaginary country and the mix of all kinds of dictatorships and totalitarian regimes that ever existed in reality, varying from the French Revolution till Ayatollah Khomeiny - and the absolutely phenomenal cast not forgetting - made the movie very special, different from anything I've ever seen before. I'm impressed.


I went to a Q and A for this film today. Somebody mentioned the similarities between Maximillian II and Bush. He said he wrote this before/ just as bush was even in office. So if anybody took it as that he said it wasn't his intention. But he also said, if the shoe fits wear it. He actually said Junior was definitely inspired by Kim Jon-il and many other political figures. But basically, I think both Maximillian and Thorne were caricatures of different rulers throughout history, and how all (well not all...but a hell of a lot) leaders are somewhat corrupt and awful.


like they say, power corrupts.

Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. - Bill Maher
