MovieChat Forums > Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) Discussion > Ranking Wes Anderson's movies...

Ranking Wes Anderson's movies...

hmmm... how to rank them, how to rank them...hmmm.

2)fantastic MR. FOX

and then can we ignore LIFE AQUATIC and DARJEELING LIMITED?


Bottle Rocket

The rest is somewhat funny but mostly annoying.



1. fantastic mr. fox
2. life aquatic
3. rushmore AND bottle rocket
4. royal tenenbaums

i haven't seen darjeeling limited though i might tonight.
anyone agree with my list?


The Royal Tenenbaums
Bottle Rocket
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Darjeeling Limited (still really liked)
Life Aquatic (really didn't like it... I don't get all the praise on this board for it)

And they rode on in the friscalating dusklight


1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Rushmore
3. Life Aquatic
4. Bottle Rocket
5. Darjeeling Limited
6. Mr. Fox

I really do think The Royal Tenenbaums is truly a masterpiece film. I see quite a lot of people have ranked it 1st, but to me it will be a movie that will last the ages, it's fantastic. And I also loved Fantastic Mr. Fox and it breaks my heart that I had to make it last on my list... but that's Wes' (and Owen's a bit too I spose) fault I guess.


2.The Royal Tenenbaums
3.The life aquatic with Steve Zissou
4.Fantastic mr.Fox
5.The darjeeling limited
6.Bottle rocket

My Vote History:


01. The Royal Tannenbaums
02. Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
03. Fantastic Mr. Fox
04. Rushmore
05. The Darjeeling Limited
06. Bottle Rocket


1. The Royal Tenenbaums 10/10
2. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 9/10
3. Fantastic Mr. Fox 9/10
4. Bottle Rocket 8/10
5. Rushmore 7/10
6. The Darjeeling Limited 7/10
7. Hotel Chevalier 6/10

The Royal Tenenbaums is a perfect film. Life aquatic took a while to like, but after many views i get it, and absolutely love it now. Mr. Fox i just watched at the cinema and wow! Bottle Rocket was my first Wes film, and its very nostalgiac for me. Rushmore i never liked a lot, in fact hated it as a kid; still not convinced but i find it enjoyable as i grow older. Darjeeling was fun but felt smaller than his other films, and less original. Not much to say on Hotel Chevalier, was fine for what it was; i'll take Wes Anderson anyway i can get him though.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? That's his first mistake. That and the talking snake


At present, since I have not seen The Darjeeling, Bottle Rocket or Fantastic Mr Fox yet, I make it:
1 Rushmore
2 The Life Aquatic
3 The Royal Tanenbaums

I thought the Tanenbaums was just a little bit scrappy compared to the incomparable wonderness of the first two! I'll be be back after Bottle and The Darjeeling, which I have on order, are delivered: I'm not ordering Mr Fox till the DVD price comes down a bit...


1. Royal Tenenbaums
2. Bottle Rocket

3. Rushmore
4. Fantastic Mr. Fox
5. Life Aquatic

Californication - Best Show on TV


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 10/10
The Royal Tenenbaums 10/10

Bottle Rocket 8/10

Darjeeling Limited 7/10

Rushmore 4/10


1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Rushmore
3. The Life Aquatic
4. The Darjeeling Limited
5. Bottle Rocket
6. Fantastic Mr Fox


1) The Darjeeling Limited (the funniest of all)
2) Fantastic Mr. Fox
3) Life Aquatic
4) Royal Tenenbaums
5) Bottle Rocket
6) Rushmore


1. Life Aquatic
2. Royal Tenenbaums
3. Rushmore
4. Fantastic Mr. Fox
5. Bottle Rocket
6. Darjeeling Limited

that was hard. I love them all!


Its a really tuff call for me between the 1st 3 you have listed,...they are all so good and unique in their own way,...but for the most part you got it right, in my opinion.


I for one loved The Life Aquatic.

1. Life Aquatic
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox
3. Royal Tenenbaums
4. Darjeeling Limited
5. Bottle Rocket
6. Rushmore
