
is it just me or did anyone really get terrified to sleep after playing the level where u see ramona and hear kids crying for help in the sewers........ i cudnt sleep for 2 nites in a row........ normally games dnt scare me that much.. but call of cthulhu scared the *beep* outta me.......... i rate it no 1. in my list of scary games


Naaah... You're just a wuss. Still - great game.


I thought it was tragic that Ramona died at the hands of that monster that came out of the basement or maybe it was the attic. Horrible truth was (spoilers) that the monster was none other than her mother who transformed or mutated into a hideous dangerous monster.
This was the hidden curse that fell on Innsmouth. Some if not all the inhabitants were doomed to turn into these hideous marine monsters who would eventually go back to the sea.
