Prosper or Scipio?

I know they were both good actors but who do you think is better, Scipio or Prosper? To tell you the truth, I don't know who is better. That's why I'm askin'.


Yes, they are awesome actors. I just think it helps that they are drop dead gorgeus.

If vegetable oil is made of vegetables, what is baby oil made of?


Rollo as Scipio. I really felt for him every time his dad belittled him. The looks he would get on his face whenever his dad was talking about him or to him really moved me. Like when he was grabbing him while yelling at riccio. how he kept trying to look away. it was so sad. he was definitely the better actor. he had a more challenging role as well.

Harry Potter isn't EVERYTHING...
Its just up there with breathing.


Scipio's cuter, but Prosper has more personality. So both, I guess.

"I'm the leading man. The leading man never dies." - Balthier, FFXII


I can't chose between them, I love them both! I think Scipio's my favorite character, but I love Prosper too.



I don't think I can choose!

"I hate to be a bother, but I gotta say, this world is getting crazier with every day."
-Dear God


is there any question? obviously Rollo Weeks is the better of the two..


Oh man, hard.
Looks: Rollo Weeks all the way my gosh he's so adoorable =) how my heart flutters <3 (the way he spoke to Bo when he's like "you're not a grown-up are you?" was so so so cuuute! i have a weak spot for guys who love kids)
Acting: can't decide, they're both great
Characters: sometimes im sure it's scipio, then i'm like no, Prosper's so responsible and brave and big-brother like, he's a better character, but then Scipio's so pitiful in front of his dad and when his friends are angry at him for something he doesn't deserve i mean it's not his fault! ugghhhh it's not fair! ok i'll shut up now i've said enough


See, at first, I was like Scipio, all the way. But now I've thought about it and, while it is true that Rollo Weeks is definitely better looking, Aaron Johnson was a great actor and Prop was a more consistent and kind-hearted character(Yes, the 'You're not a grown-up are you?' line was great but ...)

I'm going to have to say, that if I was alone in Venice, I have no idea who I'd rather have as a friend..

I could go back and forth all day, but I'm just going to stop babbling.

I ain't got no friend. Ain't got time for 'em. But if I did have one I'd want him to be like you.








Not easy to say but I liked Prosper (Aaron Johnson) and was impressed by his acting.


Prosper! No contest! 

Aaron is beautiful even as a little boy.
