I have not see anyone else post about this yet so i feel it is my duty to mention. I believe that Marky Mark uses the term 'House N!gger' at one point. This is outrageous, i as a white man am very offended. Can he get away with it because he has two black 'brothers'? I thought that the director did a good job of not bringing the race issue up, but this was an inappropriate lapse in censorship!




Sad thing is most people do, regardless of color. There are some crazy people out there. But for the scene in question, they playfully said stuff to urk the others. They truly cared for each other really, Wahlberg's character also called his brothers "Nitro" & "Midnight" when they got into that scuffle. That was just playful bickering. But I wouldn't try any of that stuff. As a black man, I know that there are many many other black men that wouldn't react like some people LOL!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Daveeh you are retarded. How are you offended? Its a damn movie you freakin tool. They are brothers not friends. They are closer that they dont care. Plus in Detroit it is more common. Also Andre and Bobby called Jack "Cracker Jack" multiple times(ie early in movie talking to Jerry's girls,When jerry points to Jack in the basketball gym calls him cracker jack" They are close to where its not a negative. They are closer than your ignorance will allow so do us a favor and jump off a building atleast 50 feet off the ground.





It was insensitive but it wasn't meant to be racist. You've got two white guys raised with two black guys in a predominately black community. Black men are known to use racist words like the n-word among themselves and to use terms referring to slavery to insult each other. It's wrong, but it's not done in hate but out of simple disrespect. A lot of black people who speak like this, give their close non black friends a pass to use these terms so it makes sense that the two black brothers wouldn't think twice when either of their white brothers used the term because they knew his heart and that he wasn't racist, just biased as hell. Bobby's character knew what he was doing when he used such language. He wanted to deeply offend with no repercussions (cause he had the backing of his two black brothers). He wasn't racist. To me this showed reality. Do you honestly believe a thug like Bobby would care about being PC if he grew under such circumstances? Especially when he was so close to his adopted black brothers and knew they wouldn't mind the language? It would have been odd had Bobby not said at least one culturally insensitive mark.



I know. I was so offended I almost turned the film off at that point. I'm going to write angry letters to all the film makers about it.

What are words for when no one listens anymore


I think we can all agree that people who are close say things to one another that strangers couldn't get away with.


What about all the racial insults and mocking the Wahlberg character levied at his brother’s Latino girlfriend? I know you’re being sarcastic but my point is it seems some people think that racism aimed at certain groups is not “as bad” as it is toward other racial classes.
