MovieChat Forums > Venom (2005) Discussion > Venom is based on a long held Hollywood ...

Venom is based on a long held Hollywood racism...

I'm not sure how many of you noticed this, but the trailer is filled with Vodoun (Voodoo) imagery. The box from which the "evil" comes is decorated with vévé, ritual drawings, representing the spirit Danballah, Vodoun's *very benevolent* and *most elevated* diety. I'm tired of Hollywood using Vodoun as a source of evil. Be creative for once!

Notice how the people who are associated with the box, who know what's in it and how to protect against it are black? Notice how Vodoun is a African-derived religion maligned by the Western world ever since the black, enslaved Haitians expelled the French from Haiti? Isn't it bad enough that the United States has done everything in its power to use Haiti for its own benefit, leaving its inhabitants in subhuman poverty (and don't argue against this with me with out knowing some history), without perpetuating the stereotype that their most cherished beliefs are not just subhuman but EVIL?

This kind of movie makes me sick -- Skeleton Key included. You don't have to be black or a Vodousih to feel this way -- I'm neither. Just a concerned anthropologist trying to educate a little bit...

PS Notice how movies with "Voodoo" as a modern evil always SUCK?



When has Hollywood ever not been racist, sexist, or bigoted? And PLEASE don't say, when they gave Halle and Denzel the Oscar. Because I could argue all day about that.

Anything not understood or controversial is usually considered "evil" in American cinema. If it's celebrated it usually doesn't get good reviews or ratings. We're sheep here.



Notice how movies with "Voodoo" as a modern evil always SUCK?

Even "Angel Heart"? I'm all for religious freedom, and know Voodoo and Satanism aren't what pop culture's made them out to be, but there's got to be at least one exception somewhere.



It is an evil religion. that comes from a filthy evil country. There is no other way to show it on screen. Hollywood would be lying if they showed it any other way. Can't wait to see the movie.


You're a racist idiot. There is nothing evil about voodoo and if you think there is you don't understand it. You know what's evil? Christianity. That religion has killed more people than any other.


I dunno. If Voodoo came from Africa, and this movie is about voodoo killing a bunch of white people, I'd call that pretty fair.


"Just a concerned anthropologist trying to educate a little bit."

Hmmm.... final words of the original poster. Educate who? No-one here is buying your crock o' crap ravings. And if we did, we don't care.


black people in voodoo?? noooo. You know what would be worse? Arab muslums, or Indian Hindus, Asian Bhuddists?? Its called culture, it exists. You know what, they don't speak english in japan, does that offend you, too? I'm not saying every bhuddist is asian. But seeing as it originated in asia, as well as asians, and hinduism in India, just like Indians... doesn't it sort of make sense?


Everytime a black complains about feeling discrimination they're a crybaby. Everytime a white says anything a black doesn't like they're a racist. This has gone on forever. This great country was founded on racism. The first settlers... Look at those people they don't speak my language ... they are naked.... look at the paint on thier faces... SAVAGES... teach them our way or KILL THEM ALL. hungabunga hunga bunga pow boom boom. Now this country has settlers of all races and we all HATE EACH OTHER so guess what... WELCOME TO BABYLON. PREPARE TO DIE >> SEE YOU IN HELL Hope the devil has a LCD and Progressive scan DVD so I can watch Venom. (_x_)
