MovieChat Forums > Dinner for Schmucks (2010) Discussion > The first movie in a LONG time that I tu...

The first movie in a LONG time that I turned off

Seriously embarrassing movie for Steve Carell- I couldn't even watch it!

"the only thing that stays the same is change."


i agree. i was so disappointed, since le diner de cons is one of my favorite movies. this movie tries to hard to outdue the original i think, and it ends up being over the top. it's just too much. they make all these people too idiotic. i understand they're supposed to be stupid, but in the original, at least they were stupid in a realist way. they're too unbelievable here, this is seriously one of the worst movies i've ever seen.


I just turned it off, 50 mins in.

Gets too repetitive, how could anybody suggest one stupid situation after another and have a supposedly smart person (Tim) end up agreeing to everything? It gets old quick.


Oh wow....just happened to catch this for free, thankfully. Should have been a Jerry Lewis movie 50 years ago. I never got to the dinner, I can't even recall exactly when I hit "stop".

Simply awful.

End of the world? So what.


This was truly awful, even worse than most other Hollywood remakes of good foreign films. I don't know how they always manage to ruin great material! I'm a big fan of Veber, and to get the horrible taste of this dreck out of my mouth, I ordered several of his films from my local library. It will be so much fun to see them again!


this movie was just bad. one of the most painful movie-watching experiences i've ever endured. steve carell's character was just so unlikable, and paul rudd's character was just so stupid. would've been much better if carell's barry had at least been a likable guy instead of someone who's irritating as hell. why should we care that an unlikable idiot is being ridiculed? he deserves it!

"will someone tell that mime to shut up?"


It isn't NEARLY as bad as these comments are making it out to be. It's "watchable". I'd "probably" watch it again if it were free, and on cable television. It's nowhere in the category of movies that Sandler has made in the past few years which are obvious ploys to make a movie with his buddies and showcase young beautiful women.

So yeah...


Of course it's bad... Hollywood remaking a remake, what do you expect? :-)


I bought a 5.00 DVD at Walmart that had 2 movies on it. Crazy Stupid Love, which I did like, and this one, which I totally hated. I am not a Steve Carell fan anyway since I seen him screw up Get Smart, and he was not the reason I liked Crazy Stupid Love. I agree with the 1st poster. "Seriously embarrassing movie"


Seriously embarrassing movie for Steve Carell- I couldn't even watch it!
Nicely stated.

"There's a lot of RAGE inside me about it". ~ Austin Matelson
