The sphere

Everyone keeps saying this was a deep blue sea ripoff, its more like the sphere combined wth the Abyss than anything.

It still is a medeocre movie though.

The Movies original effects (which were few and far between) were decent on thier own. The stock footage was a NO NO which made the movie more of a mess than it was .

If they had a bigger budget the movie may well have been a better movie.


It was a Nu Image, Danny Dimbort, Available Lerner etc. Jew-produced POS. What else did you expect? It was written and directed by 1 of Lerner’s relatives.

It’s always fun noticing how the stock footage cut into the real footage of the actual footage of the real movie is so jarringly different and bad, e.g., the Gordon Scott Tarzan movies of the 60s: “Tarzan on soundstage. Tarzan now in stock footage from Tanganyika.
