this thing stinks! Spoilers

ANyone wishing to get anysort of pleasure from a movie developed from Dumas' great novel SHOULD NOT WATCH this rubbish. How preposterous that a FRENCH company would rape Dumas' name for a hopped up piece of trash like this. It must have been made for French TV. Milady Dewinter is rescued from death by the devil, in a lightening filled sequence as a young D'artagan watches. Beneath Contempt! Revolting! and really quite boring.
The DVD is a poorly encoded mess that smears and is very soft.
The whole thing is just awful.


"I'll give you the kiss of the century."
"The last person I said goodbye to was my mother, and two days later she was dead."

I enjoyed the film to moderate degree, but those two lines struck me as gay and angsty, which D'Artagnan ain't in the book.

Long as you take this film as a "based on characters from" rather than "adaptation of" it isn't so bad, but the plot does kinda fly about a bit, what with the selling of souls and whatnot.

Kung fu movies are like porn. There's 1 on 1, then 2 on 1, then a group scene...


by frequency-2 (Mon Oct 1 2007 05:50:35)
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UPDATED Mon Mar 3 2008 13:10:30
ANyone wishing to get anysort of pleasure from a movie developed from Dumas' great novel SHOULD NOT WATCH this rubbish. How preposterous that a FRENCH company would rape Dumas' name for a hopped up piece of trash like this. It must have been made for French TV. Milady Dewinter is rescued from death by the devil, in a lightening filled sequence as a young D'artagan watches. Beneath Contempt! Revolting! and really quite boring.
The DVD is a poorly encoded mess that smears and is very soft.
The whole thing is just awful.

I was ready to take a chance on this at Amazon France, but it looks like the US Studio model for marketing has infected the French film industry. A mixed blessing, because France made some really awful films, but now the American corporate model has not only tweaked but trashed the French film industry.

Too bad.


Yeah, I don't get making huge changes to a book's story in the first place, but if you are determined to change things, at least do it in an interesting way. Make it a comedy, make it a musical, make it a "this is the real story" satire, or something. But just changing stuff for the sake of changing it makes so little sense.
