MovieChat Forums > Sorry, Haters (2006) Discussion > Saw This Movie- It's Horrible

Saw This Movie- It's Horrible

I saw this movie at Toronto and it is simply horrible. The guy portraying the Arab Cab Driver is your typical cliche devout Muslim. I've never seen anything more stereotypical in my life. Pure, unwatchable garbage.

Coming soon to a Blockbuster near you!


I just saw this movie, and I also thought it was horrible. But not because of any stereotypes. It was just such a boring drag...and it made me depressed. I also think the writers really needed to tweak the script some. There were parts that were far too confusing.


I have just watched this movie on Tivo, and I have retained it, because I think I may want to watch it again. It certainly is a piece of work, as is Phoebe. I really don't know what to think. Phoebe, is of course, a total nutjob, more of a self hater even than the PC jackboot brigade who seem to be running things in the west these days. OTOH, the muslim guy, while seeming innocuous, might not be as guileless as he seems at first, and showed some propensity to violence. The bit that offended me most, and I'm sorry to have to say this, is where loony Phoebe threw her lovely little dog in front of that huge truck - she should have thrown herself, then we'd all have cheered. BTW, the collage of 'haves' at the end shows Phoebe, and also the subs seem to indicate that she had a huge hit with some record or other - have I got this wrong, do enlighten me someone. I still would like to know why muslims come to the west in such numbers, when they obviously find it very difficult to fit in - Aschad was wearing his national dress after many years in the US. Couldn't help thinking how much more acceptable, good looking and altogether nicer he looked when he shaved, took off his little cap thing, and dressed in western clothes. The end for now.
