MovieChat Forums > Joyeux Noël (2005) Discussion > of course the French had the champagne, ...

of course the French had the champagne, coffee, etc

The French were the funniest out of the three groups. Of course they had the best food - champagne, coffee. When the Germans offered them chocolate, one guy was even like "eh, it's okay..." The bit with the cat going back to the French side was quite amusing. They also had the best looking uniforms and hats. IMHO, they were the most interesting to watch, despite how the film devoted a huge amount to the love story between the German opera singers, which just came off really forced and boring. I'm not even usually a fan of Gauillame Canet but there was just something about him in this film that really seemed to connect with me. I wish they had also developed Daniel Bruhl's character more as well.


I agree, the French had the most personality here. Maybe it's that Latin culture they have. They had great uniform, I agree. I also liked the alarm clock ringing at 10am because one soldier was afraid he would forget having coffee with his mother at that time when he got back home. Also when they commented the Scottish and the Germans were having a conference and they weren't invited, lol!

But I watched this for Bruhl and wanted more of him.
