Cassie or Ella?

Personally I liked Cassie more, she had better chemistry with Thelma and she was more fun to watch. What do you think?

"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde.


Definitely Cassie. She was absolutely gorgeous, and her character seemed like she had tons of potential in the first season episodes.

The early episodes made it seem like what would happen eventually was that she would break the cycle of things ending badly for all the women Azazeal slept with by mastering her powers and successfully fighting back. That was interesting to me. All the stuff about Azazeal messing with the people she cared about added a plausible Gothic element, and the way everything was basically a sick game between two characters helped add to the horror/romance vibe.

Ella... Maybe you have to be from the UK to fully appreciate her, but the only thing I really like about her is that wand that projects some kind of energy pulse. An experienced demon hunter who became interested in Leon of all people just isn't as interesting as the show's original premise.

Anyway, I was more interested in the way that Cassie tried to maintain some semblance of her normal life despite hanging out with a ghost and being stalked by a fallen angel than Ella, who is basically just a less campy version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


I never really considered Buffy campy, and don't consider Ella a "less campy" version of her. The character of Buffy was limited, but at least had three dimensions to here, whereas Ella barely had 2. There is no comparison between the two. Ella was practically everything that was wrong with the series after the casting, writing, bad fashion and moral stupidity of the show.


I agree with Thomas the Rhymer totally. I thought Christina Cole had an ethereal beauty and you can completely comprehend why Thelma was enchanted with her, and their love story was charming. I feel a bit cheated that we didn't ever really get to the bottom of her family history. However, if Christina Cole decided to leave for her own reasons then Laura Pyper does a good job of driving the story in a completely different direction even though it has turned into English Buffy. They'd have had a hard time finding someone to fill CC's shoes with that blend of innocence and sexiness. Thelma, though, is my real favourite. She manages to be quirky, loveable and intriguing and the writers have real fun with her character.

This series is quite old now but have only just watched it!

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


I liked Cassie for the same reason. I wonder what the show would have been like had the actress stuck with it (lord knows her resume wasn't exactly glamorous afterwards so I don't know why you'd end your streak on a series to do guest spots).

I think you really have to take the first season and the second season as two wholly different entities. I would say if you're a fan of the first don't even bother with the second because the show loses all sense once Cassie leaves. I thought the show was about a girl who becomes a powerful witch who has to help in the fight against heaven and hell. That's what drew me in.

I would even say that Thelma, who I love, was far funnier in the first series and much cleverer.

And Azazeal, up until when Cassie dies, was this great character that was just forgotten about and delegated to the background once Ella showed up.

The whole show just went nonsensical once she left, but I guess we can blame that on Christina Cole for having little regard for the fans. It's clear the writers were gobsmacked once she left and had no idea what direction to take it in. The show revolved around her character after all.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


When I could relate to Cassie's need to be accepted (i.e. going out with Troy, hanging out with his friends, and even in her affiar w/Azazeal was a cry for help) personaly I thought that all that she really wanted was to be normal, which was definatly not who she was. Her mother's insanity contributed to this need, when she became pregnat it was a way for her to have a semblance of a "normal" family. Ella wanted to be accepted as well, her life was far from normal. Her job was to basically kill whoever got in her way or use them as a means to do her job (i.e. using Leon for bait). It was sad that neither one of these girls (still kids really) never got to have a moments worth of peace. I like both for different reasons, Ella was more strong willed and at times could control herself more that Cassie could. While Cassie was weak (i.e. both of her affairs w/Azazeal and not being able to kill her son) she allowed herself to be more human (flawed, emotional, ect)than Ella allowed herself to be. If I had to pick, I'd say Cassie.


Since Cassie died, I think the show is boring now!Ella looks like forty-year-old, I don't like her at all!


i like cassie better than ella..
because ashenphoenix said..Ella made too many falling for Malachi..
but who can balme her??
Malachi is kinda cute..
but cassie is much better..

p/s:to Ella fans,please dont hate me..
its just a thouhgt..


Ella made her mistakes with Malachi, but she reformed and made up for that.
Cassie also made mistakes like messing with Azazel and getting pregnant with evil spawn.

I wouldn't really agree with ashenphoenix, as Ella was not that inhumane. She made mistakes which makes her human, if she was perfect and never falted than she wouldn't be human at all, instead she would be some sort of machine. Sure she learnt to kill and not feel anything, but it was succubae she was killing.

Don't forget that Cassie's refusal to kill Malachi, led to alot of deaths of innocent people turned succubae. Now if only she had killed him, people like Maya would still be alive.

I just wanted to point out that both characters made mistakes that were equally questionable.


I've read through a lot of the posts and there seems to be some common ideas about why some people prefer Ella over Cassie, one of them being the amount of action or lack of that each character brought to the show.

I personally prefer Cassie. Yes she could be annoying and there were some times that I cringed as she said (stroppily) something blunt to Thelma. HOWEVER I find that even those things that annoyed me were also an essential part of why I liked her and why I liked the show as well.

Cassie, as many of you have said, was "unmarketable." She wasn't a (Eek here comes a buzz word)Buffy, she did occasionally annoy you, she was an unusual character. The Producers and writers of Hex were taking a chance on her; they knew that she was an acquired taste, the whole show was an acquired taste. They made something new and original because they had the chance to and I think Cassie was the perfect heroine for that kind of series. Sadly, to their own carelessness, they had to let go of their lead and one of the reasons the show was so different and then they made up for that loss by putting in a character that was more likely to work in a short period of time.

Hex had a lot of potential; and even though it was rough around the edges, perhaps if Christina Cole hadn't left it might have gone on to be more successful, fluid, and more complex as a series.

I kind of see the first season and the second season as two different shows, one action-packed and another with more of a thoughtful winding plot, and it's just kind of frustrating that both have so many loose ends.

Ahh well, either way Thelma Rocks and Cassie is my choice.


cassie deifntely!! ella was annoying all she did was walk aroudn in her leather jacket


The show was a cult success, but it was announced in April 2006 that it would not be returning for a third series.btw,the ending sucks


I liked Cassie until she 'went evil' and started doing stupid crap like sleeping with the guy who KILLED HER BEST FRIEND!!! sheesh! Then I lost all respect for her.
I haven't seen a lot of the the Ella episodes (just a few on the Halloween Hexathon on BBCA) but, while I don't like her in a lot of ways she was kinda interesting too.

Founding member of TWA (Tom Welling's Army)!


Cassie, simple as that. She was the main character of the show and while I love looking at Azazeal and laughing with Thelma, Cassie was why I watched the show.

I do wish the writers would have done more with her character, especially with her powers. I know alot of ppl on this board like Ella more and that's cool, but let's be honest, if she was better as the lead then Hex wouldn't have been cancelled.


perhaps if she had been a gorgeous, tall, ample-bossomed girl with tight-fitting lether clothes involved in more action scenes, the ratings would have been much higher; would I have liked the show better? don't think so...


I agree. Even if Cassie had walked around nude, it wouldn't have saved the show from the pathetic scripts and lack of plot devices. It was a disaster from start to finish.


not at all


Perhaps more than three words would help us all understand what you were referring to, honey. :)


1. don't call me honey
2. you said "It was a disaster from start to finish." to which i replied 'not at all'; but you already knew that, didn't you? you just have to have the final word and twist the meaning of the other poster's words


1. It's meant as a term of endearment. I find you floppy and endearing. :) Consider yourself fortunate I didn't decide to call you Snookums.

2. Actually, I said quite a few things, and I wasn't sure as to which you were responding. And I don't think I am twisting your words. Present a cogent argument that doesn't require dissection, and you may very well have the last response.


Ella by far i love the show i just didnt warm to cassie like i did with Ella cassie seemed very cold and like a sheep whereas' ella was an individual.


Yes...a LOT of personality tightly squeezed into a size 12.

Seriously, I think the show started out cluttered, and tried to be too many things to too many people. Cole had some hidden depths that could have been explored, had the producers and directors not cheesed out some T&A, and losing the actor in the process.


wots wrong with being a size 12???
You have an unhealthy body image of women i fink you wud be happy if we all starved ourselves to a size 0


Since you see fit to address this issue on more than one forum subject, I will recycle some of my answer.

I don't think I have an unhealthy body image of women. I just think that size 12 is close to pushing maximum density. Some women can pull it off, like Demi Moore, who is a large-boned woman. Note that her size 12 is well-distributed (and I am not referring to the fake rack; she was hot without it, too). Most women cannot. Unfortuntely, those who can't also hav the problem of either not being aware that they are unable to carry size 12, or who are going to get angry if someone suggests they hit the gym.

And while I do not pretend to be all up on all the research as to what men prefer, I will say that I, too, like curvy. Apparently the difference between curvy and mountainous is is lost upon some folk. I see too many women double-butting themselves into low-rise jeans and half shirts who in fact committing fashion crime. More like fashion felonies, actually. While too many women are into that whole starving thing to be thinner, there is the other side of the coin: women who simply give up on losing weiht the RIGHT way and just let themselves go and graze in the ice-bream aisle. Guys do this too.

Honestly, are you arguing about the merits of chunky folk? Look, if you are one of aforementioned group, deal with it. Some people are not going to appreciate the fact that you cannot seem to pull yourself away from comfort food long enough to walk around the neighborhood once a day. If you indeed have a thyroid or some other medical condition that affects your weight, i strongly suggest you seek medical advice. There are meds out there that will help control thyroid abnormalites and depression. They are not excuses, but rather obstacles to overcome.

Now, let's return to the discussion, shall we?



I vote Cassie. I think Ella was a great character to start with, when she was clearly defined as a determined, cold-hearted and strong-willed fighter. But when Cassie died, Ella had to take over so much of Cassie's domain (sensitivity, sobbing, tenderness) that it came in conflict with her original character.

I would have loved to see Ella more as a supporting character to Cassie. Obviously, you can't get away without the emotional heroine, and I think Cassie was much better suited to that. Ella would also have been better off, because when she then would cry or get emotional, it would make a greater impact. It somewhat lessens her character when she break down sobbing, pull herself together and puts on a tough face, breaks down sobbing, do some fighting, breaks down sobbing, trying to sort out who she love and don't love and breaks down sobbing again...

No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man!


I loved it when Ella came into the show because she brought more of the mythology to the show. I think that Ella was an excellent character to continue the series with, because she was 500 years old but had been leaving a very cold existence. And that changes throughout the season with Leon and Thelma. I would have love to see what would have happened in the show had it continued.

P.S. Not the British Buffy, completely different dimension and better too.
