She is Insane!!

I actually just made this account to post this, I nerver really cared for the forums here.

Am I watching the same movie as you guys?

When she slapped him I was laughing, when she throws him in the tubs I am looking at her a bit funny, when he starts drowning I am wondering wtf is going on.

And when they get to the dinner table and she does not give him any food and tells him "The Tramp" left with all his money I was making an IMDB account.

I understand he was not the nicest guy in the world but that does not justify this. Nobody made her stay all those years.

She knew he was going to leave her/was cheating why stay for all that ****?

This movie was okay till this and now it sucks.

What happend to the christian thing to do? Did Jesus beat up cripples?




Considering Perry himself is playing all these different characters, he gives off that Multiple Personality Disorder vibe! So, it doesn't seem surprising that his scripts give off the same feeling.

He talks a lot about Christianity and being a good Christian. And, he creates this character, works the whole movie humanizing her as much as possible. Then, he throws it all away in an instant by turning her into a 100% sadistic wacko! Especially when she sends him, head first, into the tub. I don't know if the stuntman got hurt, but someone going head first into that thing could have broken their neck in a heartbeat.

Wow, talk about something so thoroughly *beep* up! Maybe this kind of stuff works like gangbusters for Perry fans, but they have to be the only ones.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


Precisely, Miller.


Replying to all in this thread who don't quite "get it"... Why Helen goes so insane/off the deep end.

1. If you have never been physically, mentally or emotionally abused, you simply cannot understand the mentality that brings about the physical manifestations that occur in this film.

When you have been thru eighteen years of abuse, of doubting your sanity, of wondering if the love you had for this other person was viable/ mutually beneficial, only to be shown that those eighteen years were a lie, that can literally drive someone insane.

I know where it comes from, and the rage that can build up over a period that long. I'm not excusing the physical violence displayed in the film; but I completely understand it. What Tyler Perry does is give a visible insight of how far a person can be pushed until they literally snap (back). As seen in the film, it isn't pretty. That is why DV victims either die by their abusers hands, or end up killing them out of a state of (temporary) psychosis. The human psyche can only take so much before things go wrong.

2. Insofar as leaving an abusive relationship, it isn't as easy as people seem to think it is. If you are trying to leave, you have to consider a multitude of safety measures, exit strategies, and numerous other things. And if you have children, those previously mentioned things are compounded exponentially. Just up and walking away is a false ideal and RARELY ever happens. I would ask that those that think it's seemingly simple as going to the grocery store to actually ask a survivor of DV low long it took for them to safely leave their situation. I guarantee it will be an eye opener.

3. Regarding the "Christian likeness" of the film. First and foremost, Christians are people too. We make mistakes every single day. No one is exempt, or perfect. I for one, couldn't come up with a bible quote to save my life, let alone (pretend) to be all pious and whatnot, but I know who and what HE is, and that HE forgives the screw-ups we do. That I have no worries about. So yeah, there's a lot of *normal* things that - wait - every day people who just happen to be Christians do in this movie! Who knew?!?!

In closing, I must reiterate what many have said- it is a movie. Most films are meant to be larger than life, and intimate life, not portray it (unless it's a biopic or something). But there are many grains of truth in what we see; and sometimes movies (or artistic expressions in general) can call us to look certain things in the face that we would rather not see.

That's all I've got to say... Peace, love and blessings to everyone on this thread. (and yes, that is my real name, and you can find me on g00gle+ if you have any questions or comments. Sunshine out!)


She finally snapped because she was around Madea apparently. But I do agree. I am sick of seeing abused women putting up with that crap and finally snapping like they are in the right when they aren't. But this is what Tyler Perry's movies are mostly about. I honestly think Lifetime movies are worse since the women end up killing her husband and want to use the "he abused me" excuse when there were no scenes of her actively trying to leave.
