MovieChat Forums > Royal Kill (2012) Discussion > I've Never Seen A Worse Movie!!!

I've Never Seen A Worse Movie!!!

I didn't know anything about this movie other than it featured a female wrestler, Eric Roberts, and Pat Morita's last role. I was curious to see it since some movies that flew under most people's radars have ended up being guilty pleasures for me(Hatchet, Echelon Conspiracy). It didn't hurt that it was also Morita's last movie. Having seen it, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT SEE IT!!! Don't see it on a theater screen, on DVD, on cable, online, or any other possible way to view this. Until now, I thought the worst movies I had ever seen were either Going Overboard or Troll 2. At least Going Overboard had Adam Sandler and Troll 2 had some hot chick playing a witchy temptress. This movie had nothing going for it at all.

Gail Kim, the previously mentioned wrestler, is kind of attractive, but it's hard to tell since the entire movie looks like it was filmed on a foggy night with heavy snow. I've seen better special effects on a junior high student's school project. The choreography during the fight scenes look like they were coordinated by a quadriplegic and the camera operator who filmed them was drunk(the film editor seemed to have left out some scenes as well). The acting, the little there was, was quite poor. Although, the actors had nothing to work with. Poor Pat Morita's last role consisted of basically repeating a few words during some arty dream sequence. Although, who can tell when the whole movie seems like a nightmare. To top it off, this is the first movie where I actually noticed spelling errors in the credits(I lost count after 10 mistakes). I normally don't like to pick on new directors, but watching this movie, he must not really care about quality at all. He'd have to be "slow" in order to think this movie should be released. I don't know how it even got a limited theatrical release when I've seen better movies made for the Sci Fi Channel or released by Troma. I know when someone tells me not to watch something, it makes me want to watch it even more(that's the only reason I saw all of the Faces Of Death). Please, don't let that temptation happen to you. This isn't a "so good it's bad" movie, it's a "so bad I might never watch movies again" movie. I used to think people who walked out of movies were babies or those who don't take movies seriously. I now think I must be a closet masochist since I actually stayed for the entire running time of this movie.


I just have to agree.
First time I tried to watch the movie, I fell asleep...
Second time, I gave up. It was horrifying. I rent/buy/go to cinemas to be entertained, not to be lulled into sleep.

And the many mistakes in the movie, didn't make it any better.

One of very few movies, I would put a "Do not watch, unless you try to cause permanent brain damage, or fall into a coma" sticker on.


i had something written to pick things apart, but i deleted it. Its far more simple to say, i couldnt last through this movie. i didnt like it very much at all.



I watched it because of LaLaine. The movie was awful,

I deleted it right after watching & getting disappointed.


Yeah i don't get the "worst movie ever" or "i had to make an account just to review this movie" comments by some people.

Was it a good movie? No...

Was it an ok movie? Barely...

Like many of you, i turned it off after 45 mins... cause lets face it, yeah the first half is pretty boring. I was in for a good time with alchool on a martial art movie and the trailer looked promising... but that was not the case.

1 week later i put it back where i stoped it(exactly at 45 mins) and i tough the second half was a lot better, maybe because i had no alchool and was not expecting much, but even reading about the twist i still enjoyed it...

But this movie has a lot of problems... and yeah its boring per part, its filmed in a different way wich not all may enjoy. If you watch only a movie per week or whatever, pass this one. Go for the big block busters. But for the people watching a lot and want something different... its not so terrible as some people says...

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!
