WTH is wrong with IMDB

Ok, as someone who saw the 7.X rating and thought "wow, must be a decent movie!" and then spent 90 minutes wondering if I should just shut it off or not...

THIS IS A CRAP FILM. Laughably bad in fact.

So don't be fooled by the ratings or glowing reviews, the only way I can rationalize this is Fox Pictures or whoever has some kind of giant sock-puppet team that is manipulating things here.

To think anything less would cause me to lose hope for my fellow man.


Yeah, I wasn't too engaged when watching it... Saw it in theaters, forgot all about it as soon as credits rolled. Oh well.


although this is not a wonderfull movie its pretty much decent, yes. 7.1 is fair enough for the solid movie this is. I rated it as 7



I thought it was pretty good. Entertaining anyway. I'd give it a 7.
Why didn't you like it?



I rated it 7, too.


always a hater... if you hate it why take the time to write about it, get a life




well, it wasn't that good , but not bad...
deserves 6-6.5 no more,no less


I gave it an 8; thought it was as least as good as Training Day.


Oh heeellll nooooo!!!!!!


To each his own, jpbradley.



hell, i thought it WAS training day.

call me snake...


I don't think anything at all was wrong with the review given for this film. For one you have to actually enjoy the cop drama genre or you of course will not agree with the original rating at all. I definitely thought this movie deserved the rating it has received on the front page of 7.1

I watched it in it's entirety not once wanting to leave the theater as the movie sucked me in. Perhaps I just get into some movies too much but I could relate with some of the things that happened in the movie.


This is indeed a decent movie that, like you said, takes you along every minute. The theme may have been done before but that's not an excuse to not watch movies, if you've been around long enough you'd better stop watching movies altogether for all's been said and done before, comes to it. No, this is decent, in fact better than I thought it would be given the fact that I'm not a particularly great fan of Keanu's (except Point Break). What counts is indeed how a movie takes you along while you’re watching it, not how it lingers, for, like I said, if you’ve been around long enough nothing really lingers anyway (not because of decaying brain cells as some smart dude may suggest).


lmao the first thing you did wrong was to trust and IMDB star rating!

I mean yes, each to his own, but I get the feeling that there are a lot of people will simply be rating "1" or "10" out of pure enthusiasm or hatred. They are sometimes a good INDICATOR, but I would never make a decision by it!

Personally I check rottentomatoes.com as it has a valid percentage and you can actually see what each individual professional reviewer thought of it, overall it's a lot more reliable.

But then again, everyone's tastes are different.


I have made my own IMDB ratings for movies that seems to be accurate, unless the movies are limited theatrical release which generally have a smaller audience and better ratings.

Anything that is 5 or below is unwatchable.
5-6 are hit or miss, mostly miss depending on genre.
6-8 Watchable, sometimes great under-rated fall here but usually have over-rated movies
8+ Where the classics rank

Reeves ruined this movie, like every other movie he is in. Devil's Advocate could have been great with someone else. I'm sorry if any of his fans don't agree but his lack of emotion and dialog delivery just kills it for me. The first Matrix movie had countless lines that ruined the movie.. forget about the other movies in the series.


I agree. It sucked.

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Have to agree that it's not great. Easy to watch though - a competent Film. I don't at all agree that the writing was good - it seemed the weakest part IMHO.
