Capote or Infamous?

Those who've seen it, which honestly is the better movie? I'm still waiting for this to be released on vid on the 23rd but I saw Capote and absolutely loved it; I thought Hoffman was great in the role. However, just seeing the clips for Infamous; Toby's portrayal seems like it could get a lot more annoying a lot faster throughout the film. I thought Hoffman was completely sincere in the way he acted out Capote; I don't know, guess I'll just have to wait and see?


jon smith movie guy. I would have to say that even though Toby Jones was spot on as Capote,Infamous seemed a bit over the top for me. Infamous also fudged a bit with the facts of the case. I understand that dramatic licence is used in art,the use of it in this film ultimately took away the essence of the story for me.


I saw Capote some years ago - and didn't bother with Infamous thinking it would be the same story retold.
Big mistake.
I saw infamous last night on television and it was marvellous.
I felt it gave me so much insight to TC - and a sympathy with him I hadn't felt before.
Infamous every time.
