The Ending.

There are people who keep saying that he should have died would have been the logical thing to do. I'm glad he didn't. This reminds me since Titanic is a tragedy they ended with a tragic ending. It's about time a tragic beginning ended with a happy ending and that she was happy with an "okay" ending.

I'm so sick of tragedy movies ending in tragedy. Maybe that's just me. Like they couldn't have Jack and Rose be together in the movie's real life, because it would take away from everyone else's tragic ending as an example.

I could watch Stranger than Fiction over and over and never get bored of it.

Biography Updated on 7/13/2013.


I'm sick of happy endings. But that's what most people want to see. They were too afriad to make a movie like this a tragedy because people react really badly to unexpected tragedy endings. It had 'happy ending' written all over it from the start.


Yes, this is a comedy, not a tragedy, and as such the happy ending comes as no surprise. The wrist watch thing at least tried to save the ending, but really I think there was no perfect way to end this otherwise awesome film. A meaningless death wouldn't help the story in any way and would thus disappoint much more than any happy ending could. I'm glad they chose this way, even though it fell flat compared to the rest of the story.


This is just a great movie overall. Smart writing, solid acting. The ending is good. If you were in that situation, would you be the cause of someone dying?


Years ago, movies used to shoot two versions of a lot of scenes. In the US violence was great but nudity was not. In Europe, violence for the sake of violence was not okay but nudity was alright.

So movie studios would release two versions, one for the US and one for Europe.
Some dvd's these days have alternate endings. But that would probably be too expensive to try and satusfy everyone.

I think there are now like four versions of Blade Runner. That should satisfy everyone who wants to see that movie. I think in one version even Harrison Ford is a replicant.

I don't know everything. Neither do you.


No offense but if you are 'sick' of happy endings then you should consider seeing a shrink..

My job is to watch stupid movies and complain about them on IMDB


you should watch asian films. Happy endings are rare and still the movies are good. Its about the character and what he is doing or has done and not about the viewer beeing happy.

Yes I hoped he survived.


If you hate happy endings than you ought to see Arlington Road if you haven't already seen it.


Amen, bro.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


For me if I am going to see a comedy romance movie then Yes I want a happy ending. If a drama then a dramatic ending and so on.. I mean we go to a movie to be taken away from our normal life even for just a few hours. I don't want to spend my time invested in a movie like a rom-com or romantic movie for it to end with out seeing a happy ending .If i want to watch a movie that mimics my every day life I would choose to watch a disaster movie lol.

"Baby sister, I was born game and I intend to go out that way"


This movie is not good enough to warrant that much thought or emotion.

Him dying would've been the better ending and given more meaning to Harold's empty life.

It's a wishy-washy cop-out to talk about 'imminent death' (this should ALREADY have killed him, because it WAS typed - you can't retcon it afterwards, because 'imminent death' is already in the book!), and then never bring that death.

It's a lazy, cowardly way to end it after 'shocking' the viewer about killing the character.

Why would the character be REAL anyway, since it's just a character? This hag has both a CURSE of not ever being able to write anything, because it all happens for real (wouldn't it be a great twist to make her a mental patient just IMAGINING she has this power?), and a BLESSING of being basically omnipotent, being able to MOLD REALITY TO HER LIKING and she doesn't ever really use it knowingly to her advantage?

BTW, the whole 'quit smoking' crap was so cringy. If someone smokes, they smoke. Some outsider can't just FORCE them to stop smoking.

Quitting smoking is overrated anyway. It's best to just 'pause' your smoking until you REALLY need it. That way, you're not forcing yourself to do anything too uncomfortable, and you know you can immediately smoke any second you want, so you can relax and that way, you don't HAVE to smoke - just yet. You can smoke 'soon'.

With this tactic (though it has to be REAL, not a gimmick - you have to find something you enjoy better than smoking, like smelling the fresh nature in the morning), you can always prolong your next cigarette 'a little bit', and a second can become a minute, a minute can become an hour, and eventually, the hours can accumulate until you go to sleep.

Quitting is psychologically a 'struggle', a strain, stress and energy drain that only makes your mind more attached to the things you already seemed to have conquered. Pausing is easy, you can do -that- with any bad habit, even if you pause only for 0.5 seconds.


I like 'happy endings' myself - the world and my life has too many 'bad endings' already, I don't need more misery from my escapism or entertainment.

However, I am not sure this movie HAS a happy ending. Harold is never truly real, as he wasn't born, he was just fabricated by some writer. There's no way Harold has an actual soul. How he even has flesh, bones, blood, brain, or teeth, is a mystery, since there can't be substance to that, unless the writer can somehow summon massive amounts of energy out of thin air!

This means, Harold can't DIE, because he was never BORN. He can only CEASE to exist, as he was FABRICATED.

In any case, I think it would be more gutsy to destroy Harold at the end, and then explain it as him just simply never having truly existed anyway, so he went back to where he came from - the writer's imagination, where he will alwas live blahblah etc.

This also means the writer can just re-summon him over and over if he wants.

There was a Twilight Zone-episode about a writer that could just type a page of text and a character would emerge in real life. That episode was around 900 000 000 times better than this movie, as that episode was not only well-written, but exceptionally well thought-out.
