People in Minnesota may have a slight accent but Meryl streep completely butchered it and half the time i thought she was trying to be irish or something. I liked the movie but the accents for whoever tried to do them were terrible. I was cringing watching the movie whenever they talked! Im embarassed if thats how the rest of the world percieves us to talk now.

Piss off WANKER!!!!


Im a minnesotan and just so you know, some people speak it more than others, otheres have a tiny accent of it to their voice, while others dont. It doesnt make us different, its just like Texas people talk. [Kinda]. Never saw the movie, but would like to, and espeically since the movie filmed in my city, I know that some speak it better than others.


well coming from somebody who's from the MN/ND border I think the accent is exaggerated and Streeps character is actually from Wisconsin, where theres more of an accent. In my experience the accent is more prevalent in smaller towns than bigger towns. My mom has more of the accent than my dad but she grew up in a small town and he was moved around a lot.


Once when I had a layover in the Minneapolis airport, this couple sitting by me were having a conversation. I couldn't help but overhear. They had very heavy accents. At first I thought they were Norwegian. As they continued to talk I realized that is was their Minnesotan accents. Or maybe they were from Wisconsin, lol.
Actually, I'm from Iowa and lived in Wisconsin for 9 years. Both have equally strong accents, they are just different. We Iowans of course don't have an accent. ;)


Yah! *head bounce*

She gave me a smile so sweet you could have poured it on your pancakes.


The funny thing is those of us in the UP of MI talk a lot like his too lol!


LOL, Ya I live in northern Minnesota but am originally from Oklahoma,I have many friends in the U.P. and their accent is even more pronounced!


do they eats lots of cheese up there too?

Veneration of Mark Twain is one of the roots of our current intellectual stalemate


Ya,they eat-um lots of cheese!!


I've lived in south mn and fargo border town moorhead for all my life and never heard anything close to the movie accent. It's more north, close to canada accent anyway.


I'm from the southern part of the U.S. and lived for a while in Fargo and Duluth,sorry but many folks do talk with a very similar accent!
