MovieChat Forums > The Marine (2006) Discussion > The rock candy stuff was extremely distu...

The rock candy stuff was extremely disturbing

When the black character(Morgan his name I think?) mentions his fear/hatred of rock candy early on, it just seems like a completely out of place and dimwitted futile attempt at humor. But then they finally reveal WHY he has this strong aversion to rock candy, and it relates to an incident involving a child predator he was exposed to at summer camp when he was a kid.

Was anyone else SHOCKED at this? First off, EVERY scene involving a mention of rock candy is completely out of place, from the early comments about his fear to the final revelation. I can't begin to understand why any director or screenwriter would think it fits with the rest of the film/scene, just really pisspoor job done all around. Second, if the intention was humor, then whoever wrote this should never work again. Seriously, who would make a joke about something like child molestation? Are we supposed to laugh because the big scary black criminal was molested when he was a kid? I don't get it. Why was this in the movie?

What makes it even worse is that this is a PG-13 movie starring a wrestling superstar who is most popular among young kids. The target audience of this movie most certainly was this young age group, 8-15 or so. You're going to put a joke about child molesting camp counselors in a movie like this?!? Bad taste does not begin to describe it.

Truly one of the worst movies ever made. Every single person involved should NEVER work again, except Robert Patrick, who actually managed to create a decent bad guy in this otherwise COMPLETE failure of a movie.


You cannot take this movie seriously, man. The fact they tried to pass that scene off as a joke is one of the many things that makes this movie so hilarious and fun to watch. It's one of my favorite "so bad it's good" movies. Baked ass, man.
