MovieChat Forums > In the Land of Women (2007) Discussion > How far apart can people be in age and h...

How far apart can people be in age and have a relationship?

I know in the movie it was like a ten year difference between the two of them. But how far apart in age is too far? ten years is obviously alot but what about like four or five years?

or does it depend on the teenagers to adult thing.

Like a thirty year old and a thirty five year old would be no big deal but what about like a twenty year old and a sixteen year old?

What do you guys think?


10 years?
I know a VERY happy couple of like 50-60 something years

and they are over 13 years apart.


When I was 21, I kind of dated a 16-year-old. It seemed like a big difference, but she was a pretty mature 16, and in some things, she was more experienced.
At 23, I dated a 33-year-old, and eventually married her. My second wife is 7 years younger than I. I don't think our ages, in either relationship, had anything to do with why we got together or fell apart. I'm still friends with both. Our relationships hinged on our personalities and still do. As does a current relationship with a women 13 years my junior.

I've seen relationships with widely separated ages that thrived, and relationships between people close in age that disintegrated quickly.

It's not the ages, it's who the people are.


people just think a 16 year old is so immature and young which is stupid. as dave chapelle so eloquently put it " if you think its ok to give a 15 yr old life in jail, it should legal to pee on them".


I don't believe in age gaps longer than 10 years.

"Jeez. Having sex with her was like reading the Wall Street Journal."

-Wall Street (1987)


I'm 38 and my girlfriend is 18, so you all can suck it! :D


My parents got married when my mom was 19 and my dad was 32. Two kids and 20-something years later, they're still together.


I think generally about 5 years as you'll be in similar places in your life. I think it might be harder if there is a significantly bigger age gap than that. But obviously relationships with bigger age gaps have worked aswell


The age difference is just part of the issues that should be considered.

If you are someone old enough to be living on your own, and paying your own bills, and the person who has a crush on you still lives with their parents, and is still supported by their parents, that should be a real sign for caution -- even if both parties are the same age.


She is a loser who finds a release in venting out how petty n miserable she is to a fellow loser. Talk about connection n


You're not a loser though right?

Hey, don't get mad. I love judging people too.
