Outfoxed, a Michael Moore style 'documentary'

I hate to be harsh, but if you got your opinion on Fox News (or the American Media) from this movie solely, your a fool. This movie uses the same Michael Moore style tactics that just hurt a legitimate argument. An argument can be made that Fox News slants to the right, (it's a fact that they have more conservatives than liberal commentators) but when this movie uses edits and out of context clips from Fox, it's credibility goes down zero. If I use the same techniques Robert Greenwald used, I could make Fox News into a liberal news channel! In fact, I'm confident enough to make my own rebuttal to this movie. All I'm asking for is an honest movie that tries to prove Fox News' conservative bias, Outfoxed is not it.

Anyway, many of the Fox News clips they used, I ACTUALLY SAW LIVE! Some of the clips they showed that were supposedly proving Fox News' bias were just laughable. Like Sean Hannity joking with Susan Estrich (a fox liberal regular) about Alan Colmes. I couldn't believe they tried to use that as more evidence of bias, when it was obviouly a joke.

This Jeremy Glick interview *beep* needs to get put to *beep* rest. I love how they edit out the part of the interview where Glick insults O'Reilly on the 9/11 families (which is what makes him snap). Instead they have Glick himself paraphasing what O'Reilly said. Also, people need to understand Bill O'Reilly is a commentator, he isn't a *beep* straight news anchor. HE GIVES OPINION AND ANALYSIS, he isn't a Rather, Brokaw or Jennings.

I could provide more examples, go into more detail and I can list liberals who work on Fox, but I want to see responses.


"I couldn't believe they tried to use that as more evidence of bias, when it was obviouly a joke. "

They weren't using it as evidence of bias they were talking about the mood and atmosphere and making the point that the liberal commentators are just token.

"HE GIVES OPINION AND ANALYSIS, he isn't a Rather, Brokaw or Jennings."

Yeah, and that is their point.




I am no fan of FOX NEWS, and agree it's totally a conservative-leaning network, but this documentary was shrill crap for the most part. And I resent the misleading stuff, like the notion that Murdoch's media empire reaches half the people on earth... Well that's only if you assume that each person reached is a separate person, which isn't true.

I am also not a fan of O'Reilly, but he HAS only told one guest to shut up. He never professed that "Shut up" had only been said once. That kind of misleading stuff makes this documentary just as bad as FNC, if not worse.


"And I resent the misleading stuff, like the notion that Murdoch's media empire reaches half the people on earth..."

You can't deny his empire is far reaching; Fox was the most watched 'news' channel in America, no doubt. In Australia, his paper 'The Herald Sun' is easily the most commonly read paper, and its style is obviously right-wing and shares many of the tabloid elements you'll see on Fox News. More people buy this paper than any of the more reputable and unbiased broadsheets; I can't read it without getting a headache.

About the bias of the documentary, so what? There's this fallacy regarding documentaries, books, articles that show bias, saying that the entire work cannot be trusted because it shows bias or some statistics weren't wholly accurate. It's like the argument against Fahrenheit 9/11: yes it had emotional sequences, the scene where he asks politicians to enlist their sons, for example; and on this ground Moore is an 'entertainer' and it's not a 'true documentary'. People forget that he provided documents and archival evidence showing the Bush family's ties to the administration, the fact that the CIA trained Al Qaeda, the fact that 13 of 16 (I think) 9/11 hijackers were Saudi and that no ties with Iraq have surfaced. Even though it obviously carries an anti-Bush bias, the facts are there in plain view.



You must have your head up you arse when you watch fox news...
Everyone knows that it's the Conservative mouth piece.
Just as "Air America" is the mouth piece for the Liberals...
No spin my ass.....!!!



"POLITIK, explain how Michael Moore's "techniques" are "very different"?? "

He actually interviews people who are affected by the Iraq War, Plant closings, etc.




I agree it is HEAVILY edited.... but the clips are doing what they are supposed to do. The are underlining and "Hitting Home" the point that is abundantly clear.

You're right I do not have to watch this to realize how Biased and ridiculous Fox News Channel is. (If you watched ANY of their coverage of the past election you'd know how biased they are. How many times did they bring up Obama's middle name??????)

I simply watched this to understand WHY they are so biased... and there is Rupert Murdoch. They don't cover him much in the film, but the way they instilled bias from nearly the beginning, provides the logical conclusion that this channel should no longer be a "NEWs" channel! It should be like TMZ, or Entertainment Tonight.... It's sensational biased and over the top views taken from a single and narrow minded point of view. It is extremely far from fair and balanced.

The clip with Susan Estrich was to show that her interview was turned INTO a joke.... so she was dismissed by viewers and so that Hannity looked like the smart and all american genius that he is supposed to be.

I would love to see your Liberal film about Fox News Channel. I'm guessing it'll be about 2 minutes and conclude with, "To each their own opinion I guess".... As rupert murdoch said after listing 2 liberal contributors, neither of which hold much clout against the army of conservative republican contributors.

Like I said before I don't think this movie was meant to stun anybody. Those who watch Fox, are stuck in their ways and when shown the truth will dismiss it. Clinging to their bibles no doubt.... The rest of us should know that most news is one-sided and that is why I tend to read truthout.org versus watching national TV news.


My family loves Fox News, and so I'm often obliged to watch along (though if I can't take it anymore I'll make some excuse to leave the room). Therefore, I have years' worth of experience in how bad Fox News is. This documentary did little to shape my opinion on Fox. But it did solidify many of the observations I'd had about how they work - techniques, patterns, etc.
