MovieChat Forums > Wu ji (2006) Discussion > is it really that bad

is it really that bad

i have just looked at the trailer and website for "the promise" and judging from that, i'm incredibly excited for its release May 5. I like Chen Kaige films (i thought Farewell My Concubine was excellent!)as well as martial arts films as well in the more dramatic mold of Hero and House of Flying Daggers. However, everywhere i see in this page, everyone says "this sucks" or "this blows". I can't imagine it being that bad from watching the trailer and seeing the site. Does anybody like this movie or can recommend it or is it pretty much terrible like everyone says it is?


I really enjoyed this movie. Every scene was so funny.


No, it's not bad at all. Don't know what all these other posters are whining about. The scenery, costumes and cinematography are fabulous, and the CG effects are pretty cool too. As for the story, it's not profoundly deep, but it's credible and feels like it's based on traditional Chinese legend. 7/10


Can't you just make your own mind up by going to see it? It'll cost you less than a tenner. If I see a trailer or read a synopsis about a new film and it appeals to me then I'd go watch it even if I read people's negative 'opinions'.

I'm Bender baby, please insert liquor.


"...and the CG effects are pretty cool too."

The CG effects would have been cool in the late 1980s. However for anything made post-1995, this level of incopetence and unprofessionalism is laughably and inexcusably bad. Don't misunderstand me, there are some scenes that are pulled off very well, but then there are some that look like your little brother designed them in first year art school. Now on with the movie critique. I saw the trailer in Taiwan and it looked amazing. I'm a huge fan of epic Chinese cinema (and not just CTHD, Hero, HOFD -- although I liked each of those in their own way as well). I can be very forgiving of a movie when I want to like it. This movie taxed my forgiving spirit to the extreme. It looks like the movie was made out of a bunch of random ideas ("hey, I bet this would look cool") and then edited extrememly quickly at the last possible second. This movie had so much "promise", but ultimitely let me down hard. I left the movie theatre laughing out loud and shaking my head. It could have been a very funny movie but the comedy was inserted at the worst times. It could have been serious, but then a line of dialogue would send me into stiches. I'm no professional filmmaker, and when I see a movie that convinces me that I could have done a better job, I get angry at the waste of money and time that went into the project. You should see this movie for the undeniably beautiful imagery and the pretty funny dialogue. But expect to come out feeling cheap and used.


I watched this movie in china 5 month ago. No only I but all of my friends hated this movie. The director used 3 billion RMB(Chinese dollar) and made a trash. If you don't believe me, you can see this film and you will find a story that can't happen in the world but only happen in the stupid world. A man is not possible to kill many people just for a bread in 20 years ago.

the world is changed, i can feel it in the earth, smell it in the air.


i saw this and i must say i disagree with everyone who bashed this film. I can understand though where many of the Chinese are coming from. this isn't a martial arts film, and it doesn't have anything to do with china. But if you get past that, there's a very enjoyable film here and i was enamored with it from beginning to end. Definitely worth every penny in my opinion. The only other time i came out of a movie this satisfied was Sin City.


Probably falls into the "So Bad it's a Must-watch" category.



Like I said in another thread, it was simply HORRIBLE.

CHEN KAIGE's lost it.

Story was terrible, acting lackluster, dialogue was cliched and awful, and some beautiful visuals were undone by some TERRIBLE and fake-looking CGI.

AND the fights were just yawn-inducing and badly filmed to boot.



The film is fantasy much like House of Flying Daggers was. If you want reality then rent Farewell My Concubine which has plenty!!
That said, I really liked it a alot and particularly loved Tse as the bad boy Wuhuan and Sanada as General Guangming.
However, I do not think Cecilian Cheung was as strong in The Promise as was
Ziyi Zhang in Flying Daggers.........


Will people please stop mentioning this film along side films like Iron Monkey,Hero,House of Flying daggers,Crouching tiger..someone even mentioned Sin City. This movie doesnt come close to any of these awesome films. Its a floating turd(although it might be one of the best comedies this year)


Agreed. And how was House of Flying Daggers even a fantasy?? It was set in the Song Dynasty, which, the last time I checked, was a real time period in history. Go watch HOFD again before comparing it to this piece of crap. (Gee, I can't believe I'm defending HOFD of all films!)


The trailer for this one really did make it look great

but then i saw 1st 5 minutes of this and immediately turned it off after skimming thru to the action scenes (which itself are also crap...and they're supposed be exciting)


Very many people panned this movie, yet it's IMDB scales is still at 5.1 (and possibly climbing).


Found it to be an overload on the senses, too much going on all the time,not much time for any reflection.... but other than that I loved the colour, the costumes, makeup,the fantasy oooh I loved the swirling ring on the hair


The comparison to those films is incomprehensible! It's nowhere in their galaxy-- particularly House of Flying Daggers & Hero. Thumbs up to the cinematography and costumes. Major THUMBS DOWN to Nicholas Tse and his golden thumb which plunged this movie into downright ridiculousness every time we had to see his snarling face. Kunlun & the General at least tried. Sadly, Cecilia Cheung spent much of the time just sitting on her hands. Does anyone know why China chose this confusion as their championed film?


If you don't mind glaring plot errors and inconsistences, horrific acting by Tse, the most fake looking special effects by buffalos...and having to wade through Tse's idiotic snarling to get to some have decent scenes...and having Cecilia Cheung not get to do much.

Nice costumes, though. Particularly the crimson armor.

It isn't the worst movie ever made-- there are some decent parts-- but in comparison to Chen Kaige's other work or other critically acclaimed Chinese films, this one is undeserving over its overinflated hype or the overinflated budget.


Yes that golden thumb was laughable... kinda felt like it was part of a naked gun spoof

*Love is all a matter of timing, it's no good meeting the right person to soon or to late* - 2046


Perhaps it is. And maybe it would work in a comedy/spoof. But, why on earth did Chen Kaige allow it in a movie that is supposed to be an action/fantasy/drama? Why would any director allow it in a movie that he/she wanted to be taken seriously?


What are you talking about , I LOVED the golden thumb, in fact, I was waiting anxiously for a golden middle finger...


In another movie...maybe-- a parody or comedy. But it really didn't have any place or logic in a movie that was supposed to be a fantasy/DRAMA/action/romance piece. Since that was the description put forth by the director (in various interviews) and the writer and all the publicity...the golden thumb just doesn't fit with the rest of the movie. Never once is it said or even implied that this movie is to be a comedy even if some scenes are laughable-- laughable here meaning UNINTENTIONALLY funny-- not a good thing for an alleged drama.


it really depends on your views i suppose. when i watch movies, i don't watch them to see if they are bad or good. i watched Wu Ji because i liked the way it looked. So many people pick out all the bad and good things in it, but i simply watched it, to watch it. and i liked it. i think if you go into the movie, not caring if it is good or bad, can really help you make your own opinion on it. i saw that it was being released in the us, where i live, and i may just be some crazy american, but i enjoyed watching it. the thing i liked most about it, where the costumes and characters. they were very whimsical and enjoyable. ^ ^


Wu Ji is right now a publicly recognized national joke in China. In summary, it degraces china's film industry. I'm a chinese and ashamed for such a movie out of China. House of Flying Daggers looks like Casablanca in comparison.


I've just recently watched this movie n I must say it isnt that bad..sure there are a few lil mistakez or probs in the movie but they didnt bother me too much the storyline,effectz,cast and actin was superb and thatz what I really liked about it..well itz a ok movie n I hope they make more good moviez like this one ^_^
