MovieChat Forums > Wu ji (2006) Discussion > is it really that bad

is it really that bad

i have just looked at the trailer and website for "the promise" and judging from that, i'm incredibly excited for its release May 5. I like Chen Kaige films (i thought Farewell My Concubine was excellent!)as well as martial arts films as well in the more dramatic mold of Hero and House of Flying Daggers. However, everywhere i see in this page, everyone says "this sucks" or "this blows". I can't imagine it being that bad from watching the trailer and seeing the site. Does anybody like this movie or can recommend it or is it pretty much terrible like everyone says it is?


I thought it was okay, actually. It wasn't that bad.


it wasn't 'bad', feel like watching scary movie, 'amusing'...


Well, it depends... you must not think about it much. My friend, who actually loves this movie, told me that I don't like fairy tales (which isn't true). As I said, leave your brain before you are going to watch it, then you might find amusing.
Nonetheless, when I read your post again... if you're on the horse of dilemma then go and see it. Make your own opinion, it is the best you can do.


Not that bad at ALL. Welcome to the Chinese Critics world ( You can imagine how come a hundred year of Chinese cinema, only a few were able to make it well known to the world while American films are everywhere). I think one of the biggest reasons is that Most of the Chinese are very critical. (You can hardly find a chinese having a sense of humor saying " I am not that smart. I don't know..". A lot if Chinese think they know everything...they know how to make better movies than the director .Although this can be same as in America, but Gee. Go figure Crouching Tiger was rated so badly by the Chinese and Hong Kong people before it comes to America TOO!!!

This film is not regular movies it has a lot of implicit messages such as the steam bun, the lies, the promise, the freedom. In the film it tell you how all these affect individuals. It is a serious film enough for people to easily make fun of.
But if you really let go of your Realistic mind and think of this film as a piece of art that leave you much imagination. This would be a film for you!

Hope this help.


Go figure Crouching Tiger was rated so badly by the Chinese and Hong Kong people before it comes to America TOO!!!

That's because Chinese ppl in China and Hong Kong had seen these genre/stuff a zillion times and many were better than CTHD, it was nothing ground breaking for them, unlike the west.


I grow up in Hong Kong. I have watch as many as kung fu movies as many Chinese does. Dude...




Crouching Tiger was made not soley make by western audience. Overall it was released in China first and subtitled in English. And yes by the way how come the american watch Marvels remakes,lord of the rings many times but they still give the movies a chance while chinese are being so critical about their own arts?( although this might not seen like a good arguement but...similiar.

I don't think a movie similiar to the promise have been made ziliion time in china. I think there is a culture different there. You see the Lord Of the Rings,Matrix are able to survive till third series, and Harry Potter is able to still survive so many years.But the chinese many is able to survive more than third seriese and is world renounced? oh and by the way how many Chinese did actually go and watch the film in the theater ? or do they download it?

: )



I just know that if a movie has been producing such controversial responses then something is definetely wrong. If anyone has doubts, then the man should go and see it.


"That's because Chinese ppl in China and Hong Kong had seen these genre/stuff a zillion times and many were better than CTHD, it was nothing ground breaking for them, unlike the west. "

While I wouldn't call it ground breaking, it was better directed, acted, and filmed than almost any other film of its type I have seen. I've seen Chinese/HK films with better action sequences, cinematography, better writing, or even equal/better acting, but I can't really name any that beat CTHD in all levels at once. It is an extremely well-crafted film.

What wuxia films do you consider to be simply superior as a whole to CTHD? I quite enjoy the genre, and am more than willing to look into new films in it.



You have to admit, you don't expect genre films to be ground breaking, but at the same time, a filmmaker who takes wuxia and runs with it can make a wonderful movie. My personal favorite is Kung Fu Hustle, a brilliant review of the entire genre! Lots of exotic action, lots of gut-bustingly funny of both Chinese and American film -- one of my favorite films of all time. LEt me make one quick comments, which is probably a spoiler, and will mark as such, but watch for the Blues Brothers. Brilliant. Your comment, lartrak, is well put, and clearly, well thought out.


I have to say, when I wathced this movie, I was really impressed. It really isn't bad. In fact, i think it is very good. Here's what you have to understand. This movie was made for the audiences in China/Korea/Japan and all the other Asian-driven cultured countries. Of course, their way of doing things, their concepts, and their thoeries are quite different from that of the Western society. I think overall storyline was good, so was graphics...and if you understand Chinese language itself, then your understanding of the whole plot would be much deeper. You have to understand that stories like this was written thousands of years ago by famous authors. They didn't just write a story. They usually write these things using complex literatures that even modern Chinese people won't understand without further studying in that field. With that said, I think this is a movie definitely worth watching. The three main characters (including the bad guy) are each from China, Korea, and Japan. These actors are one of the best, if not the best in their own countries. So, I recommend watching it when it comes out on theater...I myself have the DVD already :) bought and shipped from Asia.



Have you seen what is popular over there? I now this is going to sound racist, but it seems to me, that alot of films there are dumbed down, and basically acelberation of materialism, attitiude and nationalist pride. Msny of the films are made by gangsters, which the locals have a love hate relationship, treating them with respect and fear. Seriously, this is not an intellectual film market. Ow, I said it! Anyone that want's to argue with me can put up the list of hits in HK and Asia, and we'll see how well they translate over here.


Have you seen what is popular over there? I now this is going to sound racist, but it seems to me, that alot of films there are dumbed down, and basically acelberation of materialism, attitiude and nationalist pride. Msny of the films are made by gangsters, which the locals have a love hate relationship, treating them with respect and fear. Seriously, this is not an intellectual film market. Ow, I said it! Anyone that want's to argue with me can put up the list of hits in HK and Asia, and we'll see how well they translate over here.

Taipei (not Taiwan)box office, 2003-06, click on the left column
Top ten were dominated by Hollywood blockbusters, only three Chinese films made into top ten Hero for 2003, Kung Fu Hustle for 2004 and Fearless for 2006(up to Apr).


I wouldnt take the review of the page very serious. The person who reviewed it gave D.E.B.S. a 10 out of 10 stars........


Chinese is not my native language, but as I understand it 'Wu Ji' means 'state of non-existence'? Does naming the movie 'The Promise' for its English release take away the essence of the story?

BTW, I think Crouching Tiger & Hidden Dragon was an average movie. Ang Lee did a good job though, considering it was his first 'sword & romance' genre movie. I think many of the negative criticism the movie had generated in Asia was due to disappoinment. Many people, I'm included, felt let down by CTHD. It didn't deserve that many accolades in the West, as compared to its predecessors CTHD is flawed in many aspects.

The way the story is presented seemed like a compressed and abrupt version of a 20-30 episodes TV series. The casting of some of its main characters were also questionable.

One hope The Promise is indeed better than CTHD.


I absolutely loved the movie because it was so atrociously stupid that it made me laugh so hard my stomach felt like bursting. In all honesty, I went into the theatre (I watched the Taiwanese release of the movie in the theatre in Taiwan) expecting some sort of dramatic movie with great, bright colors but instead, Wu Ji has become one of my favorite movies because it's so funny.

I'd reccomend watching it, but don't expect a brilliant, touching film is my opinion. That and mainland China's Chinese is a little awkward, a part of the movie that made me laugh that will likely be lost in translation.



I'll tell you exactly why the people of mainland China are so critical of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. There is and always will be a grudge between people of mainland China and Taiwan. Each wants to outdo the other in competition, be it politically, economically, or socially. What country was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's director from? Taiwan. Where are the harshest critics of CTHD from? China. Right or wrong, there is a certain bitterness in China where they hate to see a Taiwanese director succeed where so many Chinese directors have failed: namely the American wallets. Many Chinese films are of top-notch quality, but none have been mass marketed in the Americas (ie. Raise the Red Lantern and Farewell My Concubine). Thanks to CTHD, Chinese films have gained so much recognition and also box office hits. Want evidence? All I've got are two movies: Hero, originally released and failed at the box office but re0released and was a smash hit, and House of Flying Daggers. In all honesty, House of Flying Daggers wasn't that great of a movie dramatically. The cinematic values of the film were brilliant, but the story wasn't as well written as Hero or CTHD. Yet, HOFD made lots of money and was widely spread via DVD market.

I'm not gonna lie to you, I am of Taiwanese descent, bias or not, what I've said is true.


I'm not gonna lie to you, I am of Taiwanese descent, bias or not, what I've said is true

You're one of the 1% of the native Taiwanese aboriginals that exists today on the island!? WOW!




Poor you! Living in a dream and think that's "true". Only people who deem China and Taiwan as two seperated countries, like you, will think that the success of a Taiwan director will upset the audience in Mainland China. Ang Lee is a Chinese and his success is a great honour for all Chinese (people from China, Taiwan, HK, North America and Chinese all over the world). When he was awarded an Oscar for "Brokeback Mountain", 99% of those online comments from Mainland people (tens of thousands of them) were positive and congratulations, even though homosexuality is not widely accepted in the mainland. Only people with severe bias like you will get the ridiculous idea above. Poor you!



I laughed....

I actually prefer the thing made by some guy on the internet called "The Tale of Mantou"...that's much more enjoyable...


I actually prefer the thing made by some guy on the internet called "The Tale of Mantou"...that's much more enjoyable


here is the link. the best dissection of the movie.


I wanted to see this movie and I wanted to like this movie no matter where it was from.

After watching it, this movie is obviously crap. I don't understand how people with an unbias view would even consider this good.

Story line had potential but at the end was expressed poorly and scenes were done too choppy. Scenes didn't flow and were created simply to show off the cinematography. Obviously this award was in mind prior to making the movie. As well, to Sell sell sell that trailer.

This movie had some well known established actors, but the movie didn't really give them a chance to shine because, you were probably too busy laughing at all the bad computer generated crap.

Hero was a little better but still crap and House of Flying Dagger was about as bad as this.

Focus on story and screenplay, the rest will fall into place.


I believe it's only possible to derive pleasure from viewing Wu Ji if you don't take it seriously. It's so bad it's laughable. I was hoping maybe people were being too harsh without reason but it was truly worse than expected.
I think the creators became so fixated on creating a fantastic world that they sucked any trace of potential realism out of the finished product. It's not just the painfully bad cartoonish/video game visual effects and colors, the awful writing, bad pacing etc. It's just not possible to believe any of the characters, their motivations and emotions included. I just could not connect with what was going on in the film and the point of a love story is to make you empathize with the main players, right? You would be better off playing a Final Fantasy video game if you're looking for an epic romance set in a fantasy setting than watching this film.


CTHD is snubbed by some Chinese because what Chinese wants to see is diehard fighting in wuxia film, not romance and subtlety. I can say that because I am ethnic Chinese (not from PRC) and nobody can really appreciate the subtlety in Lee Ang's storytelling methods. Compared to Ang Lee, a lot of earlier wuxia films are very crude, busy and very spectacular (HK ones especially).

Back to The Promise. It is REALLY bad.


I have to say it's definitely not a good movie. Initially I was impressed by the trailer and the casts as well. But it was such a dissapointment when I watched it. Even though some people may have made some overly harsh comments it does not neccessarily deserve, this movie does feel like a joke to me. The problem with this movie, after all, is that though it's a chinese movie, there is nothing chinese about it. On the other hand, since it's got so many asia actors in it, it could not quite be westernized either. So, the elements of east and west are just so clumsily mixed up together producing a strange and ridiculous lump of scenes.
Of course, I guess that the arrogant attitude of the filmmaker also helped trigger such a massive criticism of this film.
Anyway, after I saw this movie, I realized by comparison Hero actually wasn't that bad.


will i am chinese i lived there about 10 years, in da ten years i have not watched an movie good as CTHD. after i came to america or LA, things changed alot, there is so many movies theaters, so many movies, i watched so many od them, in at 8am out at 8pm! these movie was amazing, lord of the rings one of my fav 1 when i was 11,(now i hate it), i personally dont like watch peacefully movies or funny movies, i like war movies or Violace, i never in my life in LA have watched an rated pg movie! so about these war movies in america, i mean war movies not both guns and ancient time, just ancient times war movie. all these movie its hard to understand, they talk in europeain way. i always buy or rent the movie after so i can listen more times or sub, then there is the movie Hero, jet lee and zhang ziyi, and donnie yen and all these other chinese stars, the movie was great, but they never had it in english! so the movie is tellin three diffrent storys for three diffrent ppl! and i dont really like fairy tales movies, but the movie the myth its not bad at all, now the promise an movie i really want to see,(wen its it out again?) u guys say how bad it is , will i dont know, in the movie not all great star in china or asia r in it, and if is in chinese to u white or american ppl its hard to understand the sub, u dont want to look down and up in the theater do u? so i say its not the movie thats bad its the time it came out! they should have it in english at least,so i watched the trailer its amazing, my dad dont like it cause these heros in da movies charge fast like dragon ball z or some crazy moves! not realistic or histrcle! maybe this movie has nothing to do with history i thhink all it did its put love storys form modern time to ancient time. tty'alll

hope this help tho


I really don't like this movie. I can't remember the last time I saw no redeeming quality whatsoever in a movie. Usually it's "oh well, at least some part of it is ____ (fill in appropriate adjective)." But this one, I just couldn't stand it. I can't imagine what is going through the mind of the people that have to depend on the subtitles.
