MovieChat Forums > Factotum (2005) Discussion > Best line in the movie...

Best line in the movie...

Although I couldn't figure out what this movie was about (it seemed like an excuse to watch Matt Dillon chain smoke all the flippin' time and not much more), I chuckled when at his parents' house, right before being kicked out by his father, addressing his father by his first name and saying,

"And I also need a piece of ass." ROFL

Only line in the movie that had me chuckling out loud!


The whole "I need a piece of ass" scene is priceless, however there are other memorable lines in the film (as this thread shows). The moment where Dillon is spinning the angry little guy around is another amusing one.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


"I stopped doing that years ago" replying to that chick's story about some people fkin and chopping women to pieces.

No, I'm in Touch with humanity!
- Patrick Bateman, American Psycho
