MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005) Discussion > Just finished watching... Surprising

Just finished watching... Surprising


I just finished this series, and as a very critical young adult, I never thought I'd say this about an animated series: it was awesome.

The writing (inspired by buddhism without being bothersome) is beautiful, the characters are attaching and will be missed, the soundtrack is perfect and the animations are great.

Although there are some less interesting episodes and some bad writing to make the story flow more easily, they have really done an awesome job. I can't think of a better animated series and it can burry a great deal of non animated series (not gonna bash on The Walking Dead here).

I really liked Zuko despite his continuous humiliation throughout the seasons and him not ending up with Katara. Uncle Iroh was awesome in the first two books but a bit ruined in the last.

I felt the need to share my thoughts among other watchers.

Is the Legend of Korra as good as this ?


Yeah the show really is great.

No, Korra isn'r as good as this. It's good and fun but can't really be compared to The Last Airbender


Thanks for the answer. I can guess why, it's hard to top that.

I have just read the trivia on the IMDb page. It's really interesting how much work was put into that series.


The Legend of Korra is a worthy follow up to The Last Airbender. Is it as good, not always.

But there are certain areas where it does match or even surpass TLA. Book 3 in particular is my favorite.

Let's be bad guys.


It's on my watchlist, thanks !


It's actually not very good. If you're going by a checklist of criteria that might be used to consider "The Last Airbender" a great show, (complex characters, world building, mature relationships, moral ambiguity) it faulters immediately, and I didn't see any sign of it picking up beyond there. Though I had to stop watching halfway through the second season, because it made me so angry that people appeared to be entranced by superior artwork and nothing else.


It's actually very good. It hits a lot of the same beats TLA hit. Great characters. Funny moments. And some really good, morally complex villains.

Book 2 is often considered the weakest and is blown out of the water by Book 3.


I disagree with you, strictly on substance, but it's difficult to form a cogent argument when I haven't seen the show in years.

I can say that I did not turn off Season 2 because it was worse than Season 1, I turned it off because I simply didn't see any improvements looming. In fact, I was far enough behind by then that I read spoilers, (once it was obvious how mishandled the villain was going to be, for the second time in a row) and discovered that it was pretty much exactly what I was expecting. The disappointment convinced me that Korra had already used up entirely too much good will earned by The Last Airbender, and that it wasn't worth putting forth an effort to like something (as I'm sure others have done) that wasn't really worth the time it would take to properly delude myself.

I can't see what you're talking about. Airbender dealt with some pretty mature themes, Korra got regressive and seemed extremely adolescent in it's overall approach to storytelling. If you have valid reasons for liking it, on your own terms, that's your prerogative, but I saw no evidence that it had even the potential to live up to its predecessor - again - in the areas where that was at its strongest, anyway...


I can't see what you're talking about.

Well, you did say you stopped in season 2. There were some pretty mature themes in Korra. PTSD, young adult relationships, redemption, political assassination (successful and graphic), finding your place in a world that may not need you.

Let's be bad guys.


Hmm... Fair enough, but it's hard for me to like a show that basically pisses away half of its existence. Maybe I'm too rigid that way, but a bad episode or two is not the same as a bad season or two. I like for shows to have cohesion. You can't expect every show to have a plan from the very beginning to the very end, but some shows (like Breaking Bad, of course) managed to make it feel like they did, by constantly focusing on their trajectory, both where they've been, and where they're going, before breaking every episode.

In the early days of the show a lot of Korra fans told me that they were trying to find their footing in Season 2, since Season 1 was supposed to be a one off. Maybe, but I don't think knowing that is going to improve the quality any. That asks me to give them some room which I feel is not necessarily earned, especially when you consider that I didn't like the first thing they presented as its own complete story in the first place. One they had so much time on that they insisted on writing every episode themselves.

Now, I know you are not necessarily saying this, but when people grant me my perspective, but try to justify the rest it, it usually comes out like "Well, the first season might not be great, but that's because they tried to tell a whole arc in just one book. And Season 2 didn't come out great, because they hadn't planned ahead like in Airbender, so they were trying to find their groove." Great. So the first two seasons are basically a sucker punch to each other. I'm not sure I even understand that, I've seen a good number of shows that didn't need two whole seasons to find their groove. Not to that extent.

I remember a lot of justifications for Season 1 missteps revolved around them having "only a half hour" per episode and "only twelve episodes." The core excuse being that they were dealing with subject matter that they "really should" have an hour to tell. Okay... so why waste so much of that precious time on the minutiae of professional bending, like it's the tutorial in a freaking video game? Why waste it on a love triangle that nobody cares about? - They expected us to care who Korra ended up with before any of them (including Korra herself I should point out) were properly introduced! It's maddening.

This is becoming a general rant. It just sort of frustrates me that this seems to be riding on the originals' coattails. That being said, I'm sure you're right about the last two seasons being better, I'm just not sure I can give it a second chance, especially knowing that its sister show was good the whole way through. I had hoped for something that would live up to that legacy, and either way I don't feel like I got that. How could I if I can't enjoy the jumping off point?


Well remember Book 2 had to pretty much be ground zero again for Korra as like you said Book 1 was supposed to be a self contained season. I think you have to remember that Korra was never intended to have a 2nd Book so of course Book 2 might feel disjointed as the creators were trying to continue a story that was never originally supposed to be continued in the first place. Fortunately as many have said the show picks up substantially after the Avatar Wan episodes.

I'm not saying your dislike for Korra is unjustified like it is what it is towards you but I'm just saying Korra suffered behind the scenes way more than most shows.

Doesn't mean you automatically must forgive it for the flaws you see of course.


Seasons three and four were the best ones, although season one wasn't too bad, either. My favorite character isn't even introduced until the middle of season three and she was a major player through seasons three and four.


Korra is watchable as long as you turn off your brain at times and can ignore the stupid love triangles.

It doesn't surpass or reach TLA level.


The only episodes in the first 2 seasons of LOK that reach TLA level are Beginnings part 1 and 2 (Season 2 episodes 7 and 8). Absolutely fantastic stuff.

Seasons 3 + 4 are by far the better LOK seasons and just about reach TLA levels.


The only episodes in the first 2 seasons of LOK that reach TLA level are Beginnings part 1 and 2 (Season 2 episodes 7 and 8). Absolutely fantastic stuff.

Couldn't agree more. Those two episodes are amazing and I wish they had been a part of the LAB. Although it was interesting to see them much later, after the finale of TLAB, and see exactly what it was the lion turtle did to Aang in the finale.

But I loved seeing the origins of the Avatar. And the lion turtles..

"In the era before the Avatar we bent not the elements, but the energies within ourselves."


I loved Avatar, Legend of Korra is good but not quite as good in my opinion but totally worth watching if you liked this. The movie however sucked...


Had a similar experience with it. I grew up while the show was running, but I never had any interest in it. It wasn't until my college years when a friend referred me to it and I decided to give it a shot. Why not? Blown away by the shear narrative ambition and ideological scope of the piece. Possibly the most cohesive animated show I've ever seen, also. It's one thing to enjoy the first few seasons, it's another thing entirely to be sitting in the middle of the finale and realize that this is really something special. Really don't think we'll ever see another show like it.


Legend of Korra is just as good as Avatar IMO, but in a different way.

I didn't get into Avatar until a few months before Korra aired actually, it was good timing. And I'm glad about that because Legend of Korra felt like a genuine continuation that way, I didn't have that sort of nostalgia for Avatar keeping me from judging Legend of Korra.


The Legend of Korra is more disjointed because Nickelodeon stupidly did not guarantee the producers several seasons with which to develop their plot line, even though they proved that they could do it. Seasons 1 and 2 were each self-contained stories. Seasons 3 and 4 were more connected. I loved Tenzin and later I really liked Suyin, but Suyin (and I'm not going to tell you who that is) doesn't show up until the middle of season 3. I cosplay Suyin when I go to anime cons (and I'm a senior citizen!). What annoyed me was in the middle of season 3 they suddenly leave the story line hanging and do a two-part episode in which Korra finds out how the original avatar began. It introduces us to an incredibly bizarre world (the world of spirits) that really turned me off. I don't like fantasy because it makes no sense to me. Aang and Korra's world was well thought out and makes sense, but once they get the spirits in there I get turned off. But that's just me.


That two part episode was my favorite episode of Korra and is considered by most of the fandom to be the favorite episodes of that Season...


Um, that 2 parter was in season 2 and it was very important to the plot of that season. You are objectively wrong and it is not your opinion.


No, it's entirely subjective. What was he 'wrong' about?


"It hurts, doesn't it? Being in pain." - Daredevil, a lawyer, 2015


In my opinion it's the best animated series of all-time. 10/10. Korra I think is a worthy follow up 9.5/10. I do think each season got better and they did a great job introduced new ideas and conflicts for Korra. The setting was awesome. Basically 1920s New York

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


We need another series.
