How did anyone like this?

My 4 year old niece could have written this script! It was an aweful movie.


Big net hype and a strong first week I think. It died quick.

Go the mighty maroons!


It was decent, not great, but watchable.


Because it has snakes, a plane and Samuel L Jackson. DUH!


Yep, this movie was crap

I am NOT a guy!!


I'd like to point out
that I think it's funny as hell how Samuel L. Jackson finds his way into every damn movie ever thought of. xDD


I tried. I really really tried to like it.

Just couldn't. And I looovvveee cheesy fun movies. This just wasn't one.

I couldn't understand why the mobsters thought that putting snakes on a plane was a good idea to kill someone. Why not skip that part of the script all together? Good idea to have snakes on a plane. Let's just say one stowed away and had babies, now we got a big problem...

That I could handle.

Plus, the stereotypes were too over the top and not fun at all. Rapper guy, Paris Hilton girl....wouldn't they be chartering their own flights? And why did the snakes go straight for people's um...erogenous zones. Were they horny snakes?

I tried, I don't know anybody personally who liked it, apparently some people here do. But for me, it was...just sad.


I think it's a pretty good movie. It knows when to be funny, and when to be serious. I can see people not liking it, but it works for me.


why did the snakes go straight for people's um...erogenous zones. Were they horny snakes?

Late response, but yes they were.




The film is high camp. It doesn't take itself seriously at all, and knows how to have fun with its genre. The script was supposed to be cheesy and the plot was supposed to be unrealistic. It's sort of along the lines of 'Airplane!', although less overtly comedic.



I was thinking the same thing. It reminded me of "Airplane" although it wasn't supposed to be funny, at least I don't think it was deliberately meant to be a comedy.

It was the typical airplane in crisis movie. The only thing missing was food poisoning among the passengers. It was soooo bad it was amusing. I loved the part where the a/c wasn't working, people were sweating, and yet, Samuel Jackson's character kept his leather jacket on anyway.

Definitely a "B" movie and that's being kind.


The problem was it did get serious.....then came an out-of-place line. The star was serious all the time. meanwhile, the co-pilot was in a tough position and still making juvinile comments(and lame) to the flight attendant


i think the film makers knew how absurd it was so i dont think they really tried to hide it. if u watch it with those kind of expectations its awesome! my friend and i went opening day just knowing it was going to be horrible, and we had a blast. i love this movie.


How could anyone not?


I love how people still actually think this movie is supposed to be taken seriously. Obviously B-Movies arent for everybody, but are you really going into a film called Snakes On A Plane, a title so painfully obvious, looking for something dramatic or serious? Come on people! I love this movie, its a great B-movie. Its got good performances and some surprisingly tight direction. The action is fun and engaging and its got some suprisingly fun gore moments and even a little nudity for good measure. In no way shape or form does this movie take itself seriously, and neither should anybody else. The only negative thing I can point out is the ending wasnt as snaketastic as it could have been. Other than that SOAP is pure campy fun.


bunches of goofy men liked it.. they liked watching a snake get it on with a bunch of silicon


srsly...there are loads better b-grade movies than this yawnfest. It was so boring it wasnt even funny.
