How did anyone like this?

My 4 year old niece could have written this script! It was an aweful movie.



Because it's immensely silly, and sometimes that's fine. Not everything has to be Citizen Kane


beretta240, you're right. I ordered this movie on pay per view and I still haven't forgiven myself for it.



No sh*t it was bad, the fact was knowing it was bad, and enjoying it on a "so abd its good" type of level. Like i said, i went midnight showing, and it was fun *beep* times!

That was so funny i forgot to laugh....due to short term memory loss.


because i was drunk as hell when i saw it the first time, despite that it is an awesome movie


Samuel L Jackson should be a respected actor, Shame on you !!!

This is an hidious movie!


The movie wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. Hence the title, anyways it was a fun movie to watch (if you dont take it so seriously)


i love big stupid movies but this done nothing for me


I liked it. I didn't expect it to be a good movie, and for that sole reason it WAS a good movie for me. Plus a bloke getting bitten on the willy is always funny, LOL!

For me, it was silly, and occasionally I like a silly film just as an antidote to having to be serious with work, home life and everything else.

I just wished I'd got to see it at the cinema, though.


I'll tell you how it was possible for me to enjoy this film....I DONT TAKE MYSELF OR MOVIES ENTITLED 'SNAKES ON A PLANE' SERIOUSLY!!! It was fun! I showed up drunk and stoned, yelled at the movie screen, and watched what the title offered...SNAKES ON A PLANE! It is, oh so simple.


well the movie is like this... if your EXPECTING it to be good or serious your going to be extremely disappointed but if your expecting it to be cheesy (which it is) then it's 'not bad' ;)

overall i gave it a 6/10... for a cheesy movie it's not bad but it aint something that's great or anything.... best line of the movie was the one everyone knows lol

bottom line... it aint a movie i would care to own.


This film is cheesy fun that is so bad it's good. Period. It was a hell of a good time in a packed theater on opening night, but I probably wouldn't consider buying this anytime soon.


It is a good movie, especially for us Russians and for Americans. In these two countries fear and hatred of Muslim terrorists is a very big part of every day life, both countries fight an ongoing war to destroy terrorist strongholds. This movie enables citizens of these countries to mock Muslims, their culture, and their achievements by reducing them to mindless homosexual snakes with one goal, to kill white people. But reducing muslims to this, it makes citizens feel more secure and reminds them that what their governments are doing is right and well worth it. Thats what I got out of the movie, and it made me laugh, because Muslim Terrorists are mindless, idiotic, and homosexual.
