Head on a Stick

This famous scene is truly horrific, our heroine suddenly gets impaled, has her fingers sliced off then has her spine severed so that she’s paralysed, allowing Mick to interrogate her as to the whereabouts of her friend. We’re left to imagine what Mick did to her face, and indeed the rest of her body which she can no longer use or feel - in the full knowledge that he enjoys rape, torture, and keeping victims alive for as long as possible.

So, what do you imagine was the fate of Liz? What did Mick to do make her spill the beans? How long would you realistically survive with the wounds she suffered?


I remember watching that scene on YouTube when I was 7 or 8 years old. It scarred me.

My mother was pretty liberal on the kinds of movies she would let me watch at that age, but this film was always forbidden, understandably.


Sorry but that’s really f***ed up that you saw that at age 7, even on YouTube. I was about 32 when I saw it and I still had to look away.

Some images just don’t belong in young heads.


The Exorcist was forbidden when I was kid as well. My mum was so scared by it as a kid she didn't let me see it until I was older.


I was pretty sheltered like that. A babysitter let me watch The Omen with her when I was 8 or 9 though. I was ok for the most part (and still love the movie to this day) but the impaling of the priest for some reason scared the crap out of me. I know there’s worse scenes but that image stayed with me.. and that music 😧
