MovieChat Forums > Wolf Creek (2005) Discussion > The girls were a little stupid...

The girls were a little stupid...

Even though I think both of the girls were terrific actors, I think their script was a little unrealistic despite being a great and in some cases, REALISTIC movie. She had a gun... he was on the floor... she knew he wasn't dead... she left him. Who does that? She just saw her friend get brutally raped and she just leaves him there, not only that, but WITH the gun???

It's ridiculous. It ruined an amazing movie for me. What I think should have happened is she should have caved his scull in with the end of the rifle, and since it's not as brutal as what originally would have happened, they probably could have added a few more violent scenes to fill it out. Yeah it would have made a short ending but I think if they showed the two girls trying to desperately escape into the outback afterwards, it would have lasted the movie a bit longer and definitely make the ending more satisfying. Who knows one of them could have died due to pure dehidration. They could have also made the guy more interesting too, i.e the dogs could have escaped their cages and bye bye.

That's how I would have liked it, anyway.


It;s not the girls fault's the script fault


Script was awful. She had numerous chances to kill him, but took none of them. Could have even pushed his second car off the cliff(assuming they could get it in neutral without the key.}

Then dropped her gun into a pit where she was freaked out by dead bodies and left the gun. I don't see why she would get so freaked out by all the dead bodies in the pit, but not the one hanging in his garage. What was up with that?

Other girl drives him off the road, and knows he has a rifle, but doesn't try to swerve to avoid getting her tire popped, yet she knew he was going to fire at the car.

They were both just dumb characters all around.

If they are going to create suspense, at least make it believable instead of the crap that this script was.


That's the rule of at least 4/5 of horror movies - without stupid you have no plot.


Not just that but you can't expect the characters to acknowledge EVERY single opportunity. I mean , when you are under serious strain and in a situation of plain trauma, your only thoughts are GET AWAY FROM HIM FAST


Any idiot knows if you have a dangerous killer basically in your mercy, he's down for the count, and you have a gun, you kill the *beep* first and THEN get away and find help. You make sure he doesn't come after you again.


I could not believe a script that cliche filled got greenlit. They literally HAD to drug the girls to introduce the killer because he had no depth to him. This was like Texas Chainsaw Massacre if you stripped away Leatherface and family. And stripped away the awesome chase scenes, and stripped away the terrifying chainsaw, and the depth and weirdness of the family. In other words, this was like Thanksgiving, if you stripped away all the meat from the turkey and decided not to serve any side dishes. The killer was not scary. This was not scary. I can't believe this movie was in American theaters.


Pendergast: Permit me to comment on your "stripping" of just "stripped away" the whole movie!! All those things that made the movie scary were there to...umm..oh yeah! MAKE THE MOVIE SCARY!!...Let me provide an example: Let's say..oh, idk..JAWS. Your statement on TCM amounts to this: If you take the Great White Shark outta JAWS, then it would've sucked. See my point?


Uh, greatchef...
That was Pendergast's point.


Yes, david...I KNOW (smacks forehead)...

I was playing devils advocate..saying that that's the whole MOVIE...there would be no movie otherwise....get it???


The characters' behavior was credible given their complete surprise and panic at their circumstances. No one in real life behaves like "Oh, I've got to observe all these horror movie cautionary rules!" when actually faced with life-endangering peril. They just want to get the f--- out of there--animal instinct kicks in. Which made this an unusually realistic horror movie, I thought.

It's easy to play Monday-morning referee and second-guess what characters should have done. One great virtue of "Wolf Creek" is that its characters behave like real people (if maybe a tad more resourcefully)--they aren't all that smart under extreme pressure. Would you be? As if you could actually guess. Nobody knows how they would respond to a life-imperiling situation until it happens. Adrenaline, terror, and other factors produce responses that can't be neatly predicted. You might think you'd retain the logic or courage to get yourself out of an extreme situation, but how can you know? People behave irrationally in extremely frightening circumstances.


Agreed.. actually thought this film showed the people behaving a bit more like I'd expect someone who's in a state of shock to react. It's like the video footage I saw earlier of a desperate criminal trying to escape and spends 10 minutes trying to open a door only to then figure out that he was supposed to pull instead of push.. I don't think most people would be exactly at the top of their game when it comes to thinking rationally in desperate circumstances.



Him lying down on the floor was hard to acknowledge though. She could have used the knife. She even hits him on his back with the rifle (like that's going to make a difference, but does not touch his head.) She leaves the gun there.

Not to mention they have a third friend who might need saving and if Mick is dead they could actually go look for him too, but no, *beep* that guy.


All I can really say is I definitely understand that you don't know how you'll react to a situation until you're in it, but the whole rifle situation was one of the things I feel I would have handled differently. I mean, she smacked him in the middle of the back twice and that was it?? The shot she did take obviously wasn't too terrible...Very little blood. I don't know what would have possessed her to think that stopping after two thumps on the back was a good idea. One of the other things I thought about was A) Going back for a car (I would have rather died of exposure than setting foot near that place again) and B) Not checking the back seat of the car. I'm not really saying that she should have expected him to be there, but checking the back seat when you're stealing a psycho's car is always a good idea. Who knows if he has someone else helping him on that little freak farm?

Apart from some other obvious stuff like that, it wasn't that bad of a movie. I mean, nearly every horror movie has a few moments that make you want to smack your forehead. I liked that they sort of pulled the rug out from under you in terms of who did or didn't survive. I mean, you spend the whole movie following those two girls...But when the guy managed to free himself, I caught myself thinking "REALLY?? The girls went through hell and had these harrowing escapes, and all this guy has to do is pull some nails out of his arm to get out and it still managed to take him almost two days to do it??" The dogs should have eaten him.



She had numerous chances to kill him, but took none of them

Perhaps because she's a decent human being who doesn't believe in killing no matter who they are?


she definitely shot to kill - she just didn't succeed. on top of which, she is no longer a decent person OR an indecent person - she is now a dead person. i'd say morals and decency only extend so far. survival is more important than morals.

have you tried that crazy wrap thing?!


Sure she shot to kill, but that was heat of the moment instinct stuff trying to save her friend. If she then proceeded to plan and intentionally kill him, she'd not be any better than him.


That's some weird morality you've got.


I'd say that's more dumb than decent.


Perhaps because she's a decent human being who doesn't believe in killing no matter who they are?

True but she got Mick out of the hut so she could sneak in, tell her friend to keep quiet, and then hid before getting the gun.

She wasn't a stupid girl and she was keeping her head together.

But then she leaves the gun and knife on him? It was stupid writing.

Could have kept the movie going while still making the characters act more believable.


Personally, I thought it would've been much better had she actually shot Mick in the head and killed him, and freed her friend. You'd be thinking, "holy *beep*, she kicked ass."

Then when they get outside, one of Mick's friends shoots her dead right there. Would've been the biggest shock ever. No time for them to react at all, just BANG - dead.

Then he takes the other girl, and the movie continues on with her trying to escape.

Scream your last breath



I actually came out of this thinking that the victims were less stupid than I normally do.

Liz figured out a way to escape from the zip ties, which btw I thought added a very gritty real element. I have never seen that in a horror film and cops use zip ties, it's a very easy way to restrain someone and very hard to get out of. You could even say the villain was stupid for leaving her in a room with broken glass or where she could break glass.

She was really brave and was smart enough to figure out how to get him at gunpoint without alerting him. It appeared that she really didn't know how to use a gun at all, tell if it was loaded, etc. She only grazed him but that was amazing considering she had been drugged, was terrified, I am sure thirsty and had seen a dead headless woman on the wall plus her friend being tortured.

Putting myself in the situation, I would think that you would be just trying to survive. She aimed to kill but he didn't die, she tried to shoot him again but the gun was jammed. Yeah, she could have bashed his head in but someone that isn't trained to kill or has never killed is going to be beyond squeamish and freaked out by this point and just wants to get away.

I'd like to think I would have thought of pushing the car off the cliff to make it look like i had driven off it (like they almost had!) but I don't know if I would have. Being out in the midlde of nowhere if they had kept driving, not knowing the area like he did (hence almost driving off a cliff) he would have killed them soon after. I was actually impressed that she even knew the direction to the road and that the other made it that far!

I thought Liz was very good at calming the other girl down and trying to figure out how to escape. They both actually did a lot better than his other victims did, it would appear.

But did anyone notice that Liz looked for her friends right away, asked about the guy, etc and the dude didn't look for anyone, just took off running?


Come on. That is not an excuse. She had plenty of time to do the right thing. She even went back to get the keys and still she left him there. This is not a split second error of judgement.


I know! The movie was okay, but the characters made such stupid decisions that it just ruined the movie for me. Yes, I know that most horror movie characters make stupid decisions, and if they would've killed him right away, there wouldn't have been much of a movie. But in this movie, it was just too much. She has a gun and tries to shoot him in the head, but it doesn't work. So, instead of stabbing him or hitting him in the head, she just hits him in the back a few times. What is that going to do? Then, they push the truck off of a cliff. & When one of the girls goes back to get a car, she stops and spends ten minutes looking at pictures and watching videos. Nobody would do that! If you were trying to escape from a psycho killer, you would be freaking out and trying to get out of there as quickly as you could. Especially since her friend was waiting for her.


The girls, terrific actresses? You must be kidding. They're mediocre at best.

This movie is not creepy nor compelling, just ridiculous, like its characters's senseless acts.
It's meaningless to say "they ruined an amazing movie", because this movie probably never could have been amazing, unless changing it completely, from start to finish.

"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."


bad scripting, this should've been done way better! On the other hand I like some camerawork and the setting.


Are you guys kidding me?! This movie was very well done, and the characters did much smarter things than characters in most slasher films!

I feel like you guys are just bashing this movie to bash this movie. I can't think of much that would have made this movie better. Actually, yeah I do! Liz should have killed the killer while he was down, and they all should have escaped right there. That would have made the movie perfect!

That last part was sarcasm, by the way.

"Cinema is everything to me. I live and breathe films -- I even eat them!"
- Lucio Fulci


I still enjoyed the film!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


rule # 4: DOUBLETAP... sometimes zombie movies teach you something..



The moaning was ridiculous. That brunette had like 10 orgasms while getting untied


see, i think the movie should have ended when Mick shoots the girl that escaped.. they had to finish the story with the guy surviving, but it would have been a sick ending to have Mick just finish off the girl and walk off into the sunset


Oh Christ... here comes the PSYCH 101 crap again. *rolls eyes* You really need to get a new line, and take a psychology class beyond psych 101.
