Casper Theme (Music)???

When Lucy sees her Father again when she is much older, one of the themes from the movie Casper is faintly playing in the background. I noticed this because that is one of my all-time favorite movie themes. I wasn't surprised when I read during the credits that James Horner did the wonderful score.

Let me know if any of you noticed it as well. :)

+Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us and those in the Media+


im glad someone else posted this, the music is very similar. i wonder if the composers knew..


It's the same composer. ;)

+Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us and those in the Media+


Yeah, I noticed that too. My cousin just looked at me like I was nuts when I mentioned it.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!


I heard the piano theme and it did sound like James Horner recycled some of Casper's score for the film.

It was like when I saw X-Men, and in quiet moment where Wolverine rescues Rogue, there are some straings of Michael Kamen's score that was heard in Mr Holland's Opus.

"I...Drink...YOUR...MILKSHAKE!!" -Daniel Plainview, "There Will Be Blood"


The whole score has 'recycled' motifs and ideas from previous Horner scores, he does this all the time. On this film there are harmonic sequences, melodies and use of instruments which are exactly or almost exactly the same as ones from A Beautiful Mind, Casper, Perfect Storm, Jumanji, Bicentennial Man...

Also there is a very Hornerish low piano chord, like a signature, which he puts on the above films and others too, including of course The Spiderwick Chronicles...

Lots of film composers do this, though I've never noticed it as much as with James Horner. I wish it was possible for them to innovate more within their own style, like John Williams for example, in his music he is still John Williams, but somehow he remains true to the originality of the film, and manages to create something with its own world, that when heard afterwords you instantly associate with that one film, and doesn't just make you feel like you're hearing the score to many other films as well. Of course he may not do this with every single score, but I do believe it's most.

Still, I love much of Horner's music! :)


that is the sole reason why i came onto the board lol!
thing is, i heard it on the movie, but couldn't place which movie i knew that score from...i've been trying to figure it out for the last few hours and finally jumped on-thank g-d someone else noticed and knew what it was from i thought i was going to go crazy!!! lol

that's right. i'm back.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with ripping off your own music and to use some sort of recognition from other composers is ok too. Probably the biggest rip off by James Horner is the Gayane Ballet Suite used in 2001: A Space Odyssey composed by Aram Il'ich Khachaturian and then later used by Horner for the main theme in Aliens and for Harrison Ford's character in Clear and Present Danger. As much as I love James Horner that is the only beef I have with him. I've always enjoyed his own familiar themes.

However, after listening to Enemy at the Gates soundtrack by James Horner which sounds a lot like Schindler's List..John Williams isn't exactly Mr. innocent either..Schindler's List is a complete rip off from Gustav Mahler's Symphony 8 (or simply put Symphony of a Thousand) During the the first part there is a section that completely resembles Schindler's I realize that you could argue that Williams was using the theme as a dedication but at the same time it is simply put another rip off. I know some people like to just criticize James Horner for all these rip offs but he's not the only one..and I'm quite sure that if someone wanted to do the research some where Jerry Goldsmith did the same thing.

Now John Williams is classically influenced especially by people like Miklos Rozsa and Wagner. There are clearly parts of John Williams over the years that do sound a lot alike these people but he hardly ever gets blamed for it. Same thing with Horner. Yes it does sound like he recycles his own music but that's just it. It's his own except for the one example above.. I do enjoy John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith and James Horner.. I own many of their scores but nobody's perfect..


yeah i noticed that too. i was like uhhh... why is casper's music playing???


Me too. Only reason i checked the Board. LOL. James Horner i just plegurizing himself once again. I can't help feeling a little insulted. Did he think he could slip that one by us....? I mean, come on.....


Yes, I did notice. That's why I'm here, actually.

It is most evident in the "Coming Home" cue. It is a near-to-exact replica of the cue "Casper's Lullaby".

I'm not complaining. It works very well in both movies.

"Irwin, we're gonna have ta kill him"


haha I actually just posted on the Casper message board asking if anyone knew the name and artist of this song! So I've already picked up that it;s James Horner, now is the song actually called "Casper's Lullaby" or something else? Does anyone know where I could download it?


You can actually here multiple themes in this movie. The very obvious one is the opening is the first track on The Spiderwick Chronicles soundtrack and is titled 'Writing the Chronicles'. This sounds similar to '"No Sign of Ghosts"' on the Casper soundtrack (also first track).

You may even hear A Beautiful Mind and a very direct use of Casper's Lullaby. ;)


