MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 3 (2007) Discussion > anyone else wish this series had lasted ...

anyone else wish this series had lasted longer?"

I know I do. not very many liked garfields movies under performed at boxoffice etc I felt a reboot was to soon. I wish sam and toby would done at least one or 2 more movies before a reboot anyone agree? I miss bruce cambell and J.K Simmions too we also never got to see peter and mary janes wedding. better ann may as well


I wish they would have done one or two more movies as well. At least this way Tobey would have gone out on a high note. The amazing spider man movies have got nothing on Raimi's trilogy, Spider man 4 would have probably been a better idea than rebooting it. Who knows maybe we would have Tobey in the MCU? Tom Holland while a good spider man, sounds like a 10 year old in a suit.


I agree. Plus, MJ belongs with Peter, not Gwen.


If they had saved Venom for a 4th movie it might have worked out better.


Agreed, Raimi originally wanted to setup the Eddie Brock character in 3 to have him be the main villain in 4...but the filmmakers nor the studio could find a way to split the story, so everything was "squeezed" into 3.

we also never got to see Dr. Connors become the Lizard...he was established since the first movie (w/o his arm) and Dylan Baker is such a good actor...he got shafted. 😫

I also DESPISED the reboot (Amazing Spiderman 1 & 2)..found them to be redundant (the first movie) and lackluster...almost BORING at times!

that being said, I DO have faith the High School Peter Parker/Spider-man and his involvment as a YOUNG guy in the MCU might's hoping. Just wish Raimi could've done 2 more before the H.S. reboot.

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!


"...but the filmmakers nor the studio could find a way to split the story,..."

Maybe if they had read a few of the comic books they could have figured it out. LOL

Star Trek Canon is more of what you'd call guidelines then actual rules!


Spider-man 3 was HATED when it came out, though I think it has aged better than its initial reception suggests.

Tobey Maguire and Kristen Dunst's contracts were up, and it would be very expensive to pay them for a fourth film.

Sam Raimi's heart wasn't in it after the third film. He tried to develop a fourth film with the Vulture as the villain, but felt he couldn't come up with a story on par with the first two films.

Sony was rushing the film for a 2011 release, further leading to Raimi's decision to leave the project.

There were plans for a fourth Spider-man, but I think there were just too many extenuating circumstances that made it not seem worth it for Sony. Kirsten Dunst was very visibly done with the franchise and Tobey may have been too, and the franchise had no other established characters left other than Aunt May, lol. Plus Spider-man 3 had a huge negative push-back from fabs and critics, and they were competing with more similar movies than they were a few years before. They chose to just cut their losses and re-brand with a younger, hipper Spider-man who is influenced by snap-chat and edm, as per those dumb ass Sony emails lol


Not really they killed off the uncle, goblin, goblin ,Jr , venom, sandman, Gwen Stacy was left alive and in no way was even necessary for this film. They could have just made 3 a better film.


sam raimi made 3 spidey movies and that's more than enough and besides the new spiderman in civil war could be the best we've ever seen, really looking forward to the reboot movie


Hell yeah! This is still my favorite superhero series ever made. WAY better than TASM series. Sony made a huge mistake cancelling part 4.

A man walks into an Ackbar... Bartender says: It's a trap!


100% agree.


I was so pissed we never saw their wedding. That's the part I was expecting. He never even proposed.


I would have liked to have seen Spider-Man 4 even if the story sounded like it was going to be Rocky V levels of bad.


It's hard for me to say, both series has their highs and lows, I think I may have like TASM more than Raimi's trilogy, though I like Raimi's trilogy a lot more than TASM2. I would rank them like this:

1. The Amazing Spider-Man
2. Spider-Man 2
3. Spider-Man
4. Spider-Man 3
5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2





I definitely do. As much as I enjoyed the first Mark Webb film, it was still a wholly unnecessary reboot and this series deserved at least one more entry, especially to redeem itself after Spider-Man 3 proved to be a bit sub-par.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
