What doll did you have?

I still have my Samantha doll, which is completely destroyed. Both her legs came off, her head popped off, and my cat ripped her hair off. Poor Sammy!
What doll did you have?

Fred: What are George and I? Next door


I have Samantha too! She was a gift. :) She's still in pretty good condition actually, considering I got her ten or so years back (except for her hair, which is all tangly).

But dang, they're retiring Samantha? That's so sad! I loved looking at the original dolls when I was a kid. :(


I have like all of them. :)

I have like a whole collection in my basement. Seriously, one day when they retire some more dolls, I could be very rich. :D

But, I can't believe they retired Samantha. They replaced her with some new doll from New York in the 1900s. It's ridiculous.

Team KStew Love #19


I have Felicity and Josefina.


I was obsessed with American Girl when I was a kid and I had 5 dolls total. Samantha, Nellie, Kit, and then two custom made dolls. Kit was always my favorite, I got her in about 2003 when I was 9. I got Samantha and Nellie for Christmas 2004.

At the end of the day, you won't be happy until you love yourself


don't have one. i have read the books.
