What doll did you have?

I still have my Samantha doll, which is completely destroyed. Both her legs came off, her head popped off, and my cat ripped her hair off. Poor Sammy!
What doll did you have?

Fred: What are George and I? Next door


I got Samantha for Christmas '91 when I was 9 and still have her and the accessories, books, and outfits. Since then, I have added: Felicity, Elizabeth, Kirsten, Nellie, Kit, and Molly to my collection.


i have Kit which i got sometime in '00 i was 7 and i added a costom made doll and a speical edition doll named Lindsey and Im getting Samantha at 14.


I HAVE KIRSTEN.I got her last year for a birthday present.I also have two costom dolls.Theyre Emma and Marki.

''I love boxing. Theres something fierce about using your body force that way.''


I have Molly and I got her about 3 years ago.

Kirk: Luke, where's your lost and found?
Luke: Out back, in the dumpster.


I have Samantha, Kit, Kirsten, Molly, Lindsey (Girl of the year) and a "Just like me" doll that looks nothing like me haha.. and for Christmas this year I'm getting Nellie and hopefully Addy. I'm working on collecting all of the Historical dolls :).


I have Josefina.


I have Kit, who I think I got when I was 11.


I got Addy when I was 10 or 11. Then last year I got into them again for collecting (because I collect dolls), so I got Nicki (girl of the year.) And Samantha is on her way right now... she's gonna be a birthday present. =)

Big Rob's fo real and that's no lie!
JBOP 2635467


I got Josefina and her accessories for Christmas '99, after begging my parents every year for 6 or 7 years for an AG doll. Then we moved and somehow her skirt, hair ribbon, shoes, and necklace got lost, so right now she's in my parents' storage bin clad in nothing but her camisa shirt and her shawl-wrap thingy.

As soon as I heard they were retiring Samantha I went ahead and ordered her from the AG website for my own birthday, even though she won't arrive until next May. Haha. I also bought myself Kirsten and Kit, and as soon as I get some more disposable income I plan to get Felicity, Molly, and Addy before they're retired also.

My Horror Movie Snark Blog: http://www.horrorcheese.blogspot.com/


WOW holygeewow damn kid when did you GET the Sam?? I got mine when AG came out-- this translates to ANCIENT times: trilobytes.. okay I'm not getting into that but it's literally when then introduced her and it was all through the mail-- and she's just fine. So's her sailor suit and some other little doodads I got for her (just a few-- it's expensive stuff!)

...maybe a BIIIT of dust... but all good. I wanted the sailor-suit-dress to go with it and it was really expensive so my ma made it - whistle and all ;) it was really lovely, perfect down to the last detail. *sigh* (this was a *really* special gift, okay?- I wasn't spoiled, kids!) Ahh... Special times.... wow, wish I could visit back then, yep!

have a brilliant new year!

