MovieChat Forums > Into the West (2005) Discussion > who here has american indian blood?

who here has american indian blood?

I'm half Choctaw, my dad is full choctaw but half from the mississippi band and half from the band of choctaws that walked the trail of tears to oklahoma. the other half of me is serbian, my mom came here as a refugee from the former yugoslavia.
is anyone else here Choctaw? does anyone speak their native language (not necessarily choctaw)?
Yokoke. Peace.


half Anishnabe more or less, though my blood quantum counts me at 38%. My mom is an Indian, as am I, I guess.


Cree Indian and Polish here

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you


I have a little bit on both my mom and dad's sides... we're not 100% sure because records were destroyed in a fire, but we're thinking Malecite on my dad's side through his mom's mother. On my mom's side we found out that we're part Beotuck(sp?)(I might have that name/spelling wrong...we just recently got the info from my mom's cousin)...anyway, they lived somewhere in Canada and died out due to starvation rather than disease/violence.


My several greats grandmother was Lakota Sioux. The rest of me is Scots-Irish with a Jewish guy who snuck in the back door because he had converted and become a Methodist. ;^D



I dunno. I mean, I THINK I'm part Lakota, part Araphaho, part...something else.
My mom's dark n she figures her father was probably part Native American; my father DEFINITELY has some Native American blood through HIS mother...but nobody in my family has any idea what their heritage is, beyond thinking they're Ashkenazi Jew, which we ARE...just not too much.
It's...pretty difficult to determine. My mother's grandmother passed for white for her entire life once she married, n they mutually decided to hide her heritage [so I believe...for all I know, she might have lied to him]. At any rate, my family's a mixture of three different cultures, at least: Jewish [least], African-American [next most], Native American [most].
I'm just going by intuition, here,'s the best I know how to do.



I do. I am Creek and Kiowa, but I have a Cheyenne ancestor. She survived Sand Creek and walked to Indian Territory. (There is going to be someone who will insist it is "Muscogee Creek." Creek was good enough for my dad and my uncle, who served many years on the Creek Council.)


I realize this is about 7 years late but I just discovered this series and saw this post. I, myself, am 1/4 Lipan Apache. My Native blood comes from my father's side of the family whose mother was full blooded. I do not know any of the language but that is something I hope to change. I have taken to reading history and culture books and consulting members of the current day Lipan General Council. My point of contact, a Miss Linda Walking Woman, has been extremely helpful. So far, I have learned that in my grandmother's native language, "Lipan" translates into "Light Grey" as they were/are known as "the Light Grey People". While other bands of Apache have historically known figures, the Lipan are more so known for being amongst the most aggressive and resilient of the tribes. We are the Apache that refused to be beaten into submission and, back in the 1800s, pushed onto reservation grounds by the U.S and Mexican armies. Thousands of men, women and children died but the Lipan stood their ground and fought until those that opposed them gave up.

Learning this made me prouder than I have ever felt in my entire life that I'm descended from such a legacy. Warms and humbles my heart, truly.

No Sparkling Wiggles here!


Wow this thread's been going for awhile!

I'm just 1/16 Cherokee, as well as Irish, English, Swedish, Slovenian, and Scotch-Irish :) a bit of a mutt but i love it. I love learning about the different cultures and places that make up me!
