Aish cannot act

Bend it like Beckham was a success. However, Bride and Prejudice failed. And, based on a few reviews, Mistress of Spices will fail. I admit that I admire Aish's beauty, but she just CANNOT act. The reason why she is so successful in Bollywood is because people are enamored with her beauty/ song&dance scenes, rather than the quality of the plot. This is one reason why most Bollywood movies cannot compete with Hollywood movies in terms of gaining a global audience. Why can't the Chadha/Berges crew pick someone other than Aish? It's not like most Americans know about Aish anyway, so might as well pick another beautiful Indian actress who has a more natural screen presence(i.e. Parminder Nagra, Purva Bedi,etc.).


She doesn't have to act...all she has to do is let the camera do the work
and photograph the beauty of all time....


Bend It Like Beckham was only really a success in the UK though wasn't it?

And thats because it was a movie about Beckham (well his influences) and starred Keira Knightly

Plus it was just a british comedy with an indian influence, whereas films like B&P tried to be an english speaking bollywood romatic film cos it was set in India and had the songs (some of which were reeeeeeeally cheesy!). Also, no offence to Martin Henderson or Naveen Andrews but they really aren't that famous. i mean Naveen became a bigger name after Lost but he still isn't Hollywood famous like Keira is.

Ashmi any question
