MovieChat Forums > The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) Discussion > would you guys have sex with a post op m...

would you guys have sex with a post op male to female transsexual

There are a lot of beautiful stunning and sexy male to female transsexuals and although they are actually men they look like real women and a lot of them are even better looking then most real women.

A lot of them do porn, if you have seen transsexual porn like I have, most of the male to female transsexuals that do porn are pre op which means they haven't had the operation and they still have their penises.

Anyway will post some photos of some stunning male to female transsexuals, ones which are post op and they no longer have their penises anymore.

I'm sure you desperate guys would have sex with a post op male to female transsexual.


You have no control over who you fall in love with. If you fall for someone, male, female, trans, you will want to have sex with them. And you will enjoy it when it happens.

And the status of their genitalia won't matter one bit.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



"She had hands as big as Andre the Giant's, and she had an Adam's apple as big as her balls."

While the saying "the heart wants what the heart wants" may come across as trite and cliche, my understanding of it, and belief in it, is based on my own life experiences.

There have been several instances in my life where my emotional involvement (my heart) overrode the most logical arguments presented by my brain. The results usually weren't pretty. The worst being a passionate marriage to a person I had nothing in common with (except for how well we fit together having sex) that only lasted 7 years and ended bitterly. I'm still in love with this woman, btw. My heart refuses to let go... even after having not laid eyes on her for over 10 years...

Then there have been times when I've allowed my logical side to override my (lack of) attraction. The pinnacle of this methodology resulted in a marriage to someone I had a lot in common with, but for whom my emotional desire quickly died and only lasted 6 years and ended bitterly.

I don't think it's pablum, and I don't think it's an excuse, although people use it as both all the time - especially for bad behaviour, like affairs, or murder.

I think, in a broad understanding, that it's an explanation for behaviour that, otherwise, doesn't make sense to an outside observer. It isn't meant to convey approval for, or excuse bad behaviour, it just provides something of a framework for explaining why someone would indulge in what may be socially unacceptable, illegal, or even harmful behaviour.

And it can also be applied to other facets of human existence different from interpersonal relationships - motorcycle racing makes no sense logically, yet thousands are passionate about it and indulge, despite costing thousands of dollars and the chances of being maimed or killed on the regular.

In the context of the OP's original question, I used the phrase to simply illustrate that if a "normal" male still finds himself attracted to a trans woman after he learns she's trans, not only will he be okay with having sex with her, he will be excited about it.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



there is no way I'd ever fall for a transsexual. Impossible. How can I fall in love with someone when I'm terrified of what they might have between their legs?


You mean you don't want to dangle yo dice on Lance's forehead?

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


what language are you speaking?



I'm cut. And it's awesome!

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



Well, first of all, it's not crippling. My sexual experiences over the years (and there have been many) have not been hindered at all by the fact that I am circumcised. I've had well over 100 partners since losing my virginity at 17 and not a single one has said that they wished I was uncut. I have had several of them remark that my junk was pretty good-looking (for junk) and that uncircumcised is, in fact, ugly.

My circ has never been a hindrance to my enjoyment of sex or my ability to reproduce (three kids). I like my "clean" look. My girlfriend does too!

"Sexually crippled" is what most of the posters on this board are, and it has nothing to do with being circumcised or uncircumcised.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



Yeah. I just can't stay away from them. They smell so good!

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



Whatever, dude. Mine sure ain't numb! It sure seems that you have to project that label on me (cripple) in order to rationalize your resentment. I'm no cripple, sexual or otherwise.

The glans (head) is the most sensitive part, and that stays. And if it does remove some sensitivity, that just makes you last longer and makes you a better lover. Like I said, I have no complaints, and have had no complaints from any of my partners over the years.

After seeing pics of uncircumcised peni, I'm actually glad to be rid of that nasty extra skin that is a trap for bacteria and filth and makes you more prone to have serious medical conditions, like cancer. And it looks ridiculous, too! Like a wrinkly, blind anteater.

I'm glad my parents had me cut.

If you're not aware of what you've lost, have you really lost anything?

And what good does complaining about it do? You can't UN-circumcise someone, can you?

It's vestigial - like your appendix. An evolutionary non-necessity that does more harm than good.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



Wow - a little sensitive about the subject, huh? You really seem to need me to acknowledge that you're right, and that I'm some sort of dysfunctional nightmare who is in total denial.

Sorry, but you're wrong. I'm a very happy person. And I've had, and continue to have, LOTS of really good sex using a perfectly functional, above average in size, penis.

My sexual function? Now that you bring it up, I got laid this morning before coming to work, as a matter of fact. Last night too. My girlfriend is insatiable (she's 36 - what are you gonna do?).

You have a bunch of "scientific" studies you found on the internet coupled with a persecution complex and, obviously, a lot of anger.

Me, I've only got 35 years of personal experience with women all over the world.

I'll stick with my personal experiences, thanks anyway.

But thanks for playing!

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



So what you're saying is that you have a magic penis

Oh dear God don't just give him ammunition like that, who knows what he'll do with it. Besides, it ain't magic, he's just "hashtag-blessed" amirite?

I'm just messin', lee. I don't care if your drainsnake has a shower cap or not. Here's to many more magical nights on Bald Mountain.


You guys are going way off topic on this conversation.

To answer OP's quest, I would not have sex with a tranny. I don't care how convincing they look. If and when I discovered it I would run the other way. I believe a man is born a man and a woman is born a woman. I don't have a problem with them choosing and living the way they do but I want no part of it. If you are ok with it then kudos to you, I am not.


"drainsnake?" I don't care what you say, that's funny!

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


My girlfriend thinks it's magical!

It's not the disaster you make it out to be. If you're having trouble with proper function, your circ is probably not the reason.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



It's not a theory. A theory is a scientific postulation based on the most current data available about a specific topic.

It's just my outlook and opinion based on (very) personal experience. Completely subjective. My circumcised penis works great. Always has. It's crazy sensitive and has been a source of joy for me for over 35 years.

If you're angry at your parents for having you circumcised without your consent, that's between you and them.

I asked my girlfriend last night if she would prefer me to be uncut, and all she said was: "eww!" So, there's that.

On a tangential but related topic, I've watched a lot of porn over the years, and it's rare to see uncut male "performers." And I have to believe that it's purely aesthetic. Cut is simply better looking and "cleaner" than uncut. I know women prefer cut.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?



nah, man, foreskins are ugly. there's just no two ways about it. So are balls. But we need those, so they stay. Looks will always matter, whether we like it or not.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


Circumcision is the "Blast Processing" of the male sexual performance debate.


Gentlemen, we can make a new pork sword. We have the technology. Sleeker, less sensitive. We have the capability to make the world's first aerodynamic tallywhacker.



dude, you sure do know a lot about the penis ....... so you are saying some nasty skin is the most erogenous part of the penis? I've never seen anyone jerk their foreskin. This science you speak of sounds like it's written by some real quacks. I'm very happy with my circumsized penis and glad I don't have to worry about head cheese.



"head cheese"

This is a myth.
I wouldn't call it a myth, but it does wash off quite easily, so the argument is indeed pretty moot.



haha the guy youre responding to has some big agenda and he is spouting propaganda.

that said I cant see how taking off part of your body that nature put there for a reason is a good thing. as there is no one alive who has experienced both then it is hard to say what the difference really is


It's not: "Would I have sex with her?" It's going to be more like: "would she have sex with me?"

Unless you're getting rapey, which is not cool, It's usually always up to the woman to decide if she's going to boink you or not. You just gotta throw your hat in the ring and hope for the best...

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


In my case, the answer to both questions would probably be "Highly unlikely".


And I'm sure a mongoloid like you would stick your c♀ck in a blender at high speeds...

Please do.




...and you're a pathetic little excuse for a cûnt, who somehow thinks that he's worse off than most of the posters on the love-shy forums.



You're a moron. Once again, I have to repeat myself; I never said I hated the website, nor it's members. The only ones I have a problem with there, are the ones who have shown immense hatred for women, and blame women for all their own struggles, and the types that also revel in the tragic deaths of women in particular.



You're still a twat.

There is a loud minority of posters on those boards who seem to think that they are owed sexual gratification from women. Because they aren't getting it, they blame women for that. They refuse to look at themselves.

There are decent people on there, that do try and offer advice and assistance, and women too. Usually they are met with scorn and derision.

It's sad, really.

I blame the Internet.




At least my parents aren't biologically related.



What about people like me who believe we are owed sexual gratification and also get it? Are we decent people or bad people? Just trying to figure out the ruleset.


You don't belong here.


Obviously not, but that seems to be out of our control. My question was whether I was one of the good guys or the bad guys. The rules concerning that definition seems a bit muddy.



sadly in this day and age you HAVE to display this kind of hypocritical, egotistical, self-aggrandising mentality to attract a woman

it's the tragic irony of modern man


I never claimed to be consistent, nor do I claim that my posts reflect my opinions. In the words of a great man: "Nothing can ruin a story like sticking to the truth". Though he was rambling about having invented the atomic bomb and saving some chinese princess, his wisdom can be readily applied to forum posting: If times are boring, it doesn't matter what you say! Can't get any worse.



Call me a homophobe for it if you want, but I think I still have a right to chose who I do and do not want to have sex with.

Like it or not.

No one Gives it to have to take it


Totally your prerogative. Not wanting to have sex with a transsexual because of "genitalia issues" does not make you a homophobe.

No one is forcing anyone to have sex with anybody. And I couldn't care less who you're attracted to or not attracted to.

For maximum enjoyment of all involved, sexual intercourse should be entered into with agreement, willingness and enthusiasm by all parties attending the session.

The road to sexual bliss cannot have hang-ups, fear, or disgust as components.

I haven't met a man or trans woman yet who "does it" for me, but I'm not saying it couldn't happen. It's just highly unlikely, as I have been hopelessly hetro for as long as I can remember. But life surprises us every day, doesn't it?

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


I probably came off as a bit defensive because I also post on another forum where they're majorly oversensitive about the gay/ transgender thing and they toss out the word "homophobe" for anything like this as of it where a bodily fuction.

Still: Me having sex with a dude = not going to happen. No matter how good he looks as a woman.

No one Gives it to have to take it


Do they like dubstep?


No, they hate it. Like they should.


Nothing "desperate" about it. Don;t belittle them by implying only a desperate unwashed loser could love a lady like that.

------------ Oldies, Video Game Remixes, and overnight is old time serials.


I am not a desperate guy, but I have had sex with quite a few transexual women, mostly pre-op, just one post op.

I had sex with them because I found them sexy. End of.


Hell no. F-ing freaks
