Your Favourite Level!

What is your favourite level in any of the Hitman games?

Although 'Hitman 2' is better than 'Contracts', my favourite level of all time is the one at the English Manor house in 'Contracts'.

It's the most atmospheric and open ended level ever! Suffocating with a pillow! Poisoning Milk! Dropping a petrol can down the fireplace!

I love it!



Traditions of the Trade
Seafood Massacre
Hunter and Hunted



The one on the docks where you follow in the SWAT team dressed as one of them, the one in the biker bar, and the one in the hotel, cos of the shotgun in flower box terminator thing


Traditions of The Trade
The Manor level
The Meat Kings Party


traditions of the trade
beldingford manor
the biker one

God-damned Mongorians Tuong-Lu Kim (south park)



Traditions of the Trade.


ha i am wit most of you my favorite is traditions of the trade - i luv gettin the silenced pistol an sneakin bout, shoot the bellboy - the employees and policia patrollin the hallways .. even fun to spy on the guy and girl in the 3rd floor 302 room (i think it wuzz 302) - they like make out its pretty silly. another level that i like is rotterdam - sort of, i normally jus go pure unstealthy for that one though. the hotel lvl(the 1 i mentioned above) u can drown a guy on that cant u in the pool?

does anybody totally despise any of the levels though? i find myself annoyed by seafood massacre cuz i cant find any other way to do it cep stealth cuz the targets run away like little girls once they even see a person tiein their shoes(i mean their dead) - lyin there.. pretty lame zero unstealthiness possibilities (unless u take out the targets first.. which requires disguises, sneaking, masqueradin er wutever .. plus infiltration which is nuisance cuz of the employees)...

anybody find hunter and hunted THE hardest level in hitman series period? i do. i have played all the hitman games (cep the 1st) and i think the 2nd has sum challengin, but hunter is jus such a pain i mean ur in a hotel room - smoke bombs r startin off round ur feet - swats r stormin the buildin, comin up the stairs. only way out is bolt for the door, go thru another room - jump the terrace, er outta zeh window - then over to a room down further back into the hotel etc - turn off the lights - sneak downstairs, syringe the copper china guy on the 2nd floor - but if u dont do that, say u wanna duke it out wit the swatties.. who survived? i have once - even took out the two snipers, but i'm a hermit (in real life, well semihermit person) but its bloody hard - it takes so much time - u need to beat the game first and come back wit picked guns - like spas shotty, M60 - those r hellish powerful but not havin protection or a vest its suicide still - 1 shot from their shottys kills ya pretty much... oi anybody listen to the hitman music? i am totally into it. Traditions of the Trade i like to listen to my own music on that lvl - custom music.. such a fun lvl.. this post is 2 long oh well. no 1 will read it anyway

.. cant wait till fable 2..


I like playing Deadly Cargo, and dressing up as the SWAT. I always get on the boat and disarm the bomb, then sneak up and kill Boris, take his detonator, and walk off the level.

I also like the casino level in Blood Money, waiting above the elevator with my silenced pistol always makes me feel like I'm Stephen Baldwin in the Usual Suspects.

Verbal is Keyser Soze. Bruce Willis is a ghost. Rosebud is a sled.


Meat King's Party/Slaughterhouse is my favorite in the entire series. its the best level for stealth killing.

