sucked or ruled?

Being this film i'm sure it either sucked or ruled. I saw it at my local blockbuster but i didnt get it. Please inform me on your opions!


I thought it was very good--an 8 out of 10, or a B+.

And as a writer who has been stuck in white collar jobs (and who has written books while working at white collar jobs--and I was even caught by a boss once), I could relate to a lot of things in the film.

Brandt Sponseller


This movie was excellent. Hands down, it changed my life. I quit my job and headed out to the country to start my writing career. I was not greeted by any apes, but I ate a sh*tload of peaches out in the country.


Best comment ever.


brilliant film, one of my favorites.


It's a pretty funny movie. James Franco is quite a comedian, which you wouldn't know from seeing some of his darker, brooding roles. Go into it keeping in mind it is a dark comedy, mostly conversational piece, indie, odd story. But it is unique and I laughed out loud many times. You can watch it and analyze some "deeper" meaning, or just watch it and laugh.


funniest movie ever.
please see it.
it is so random, but i love it so much.



Totally ruled. This is the 3rd time that I'm going to say it but JF's character gets lice and I LOVED THAT PART SOOO MUCH only because i know that no other movie would dare use lice so humorously (usually only in regards to movies about plagues, homelessness...etc..) and I know that I never will see it in another movie again. I really liked the situations with other people, such as the inter-office relationships, the girl who "snitched" on JF- these were all really honest scenarios that I found funny because this stufff ACTUALLY HAPPENS.

"I can't shuffle cards like I used to but the ladies sure like it!"


Well i loved most of the movie... however the end... yes it would have been way to chliché to finish on a happy ending, but this ending just leaves the viewer unsatisfied...


