MovieChat Forums > Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie (2004) Discussion > Whos your favorite Character from Yu-Gi-...

Whos your favorite Character from Yu-Gi-Oh?

Mine are Yugi,Yami,Joey,Mai,Serinaty,Ishizu,Bakura,and I guess Te'a I dont know i never liked her.


Mine are Yami,Mia,and the good Merrick because he is good in the end!Not really in perticular order but Seto is too!Even though he takes beatings hard!His younger brother some how thinks he's the best thing in the world my question is why?


My favs are Dartz and Varon, followed closely by Yami/Atem. ^^ I love the evil guys.

"Those who fear the Darkness have no idea what the Light can do."


You know, I never liked Varon and Dartz (or Amelda and Raphael) when I watched the Doom/Doma arc but since then all four of those guys have grown on me. I agree that the evil guys are the best though! ^^


Let's see... I think my favorite character is Kaiba. Partly because I like the antagonist-who-isn't-quite-evil, and partly because I relate to him somewhat: Not really one to make friends, and extremely competitive (when I first got Yugioh cards, I played against a friend of mine, and she won all 3 games we played... so I went to buy more cards in order to be able to beat her). Not homocidal like he is, of course, but you get the idea.
Not to mention, the coat-that's-constantly-billowing-even-without-wind is fun.

I also like Jonouchi... I love the way he always stands up for his friends, no matter what. And in the manga, especially, when Yugi is hurt, and he goes out right away to get back at whoever hurt him (not sure how much this happens in the anime).

Other characters I like... Yugi, Yami Yugi, Bakura, and Mokuba (he's so adorable in the later stuff).

As for pairings, I like JouxMai, and maybe YugixAnzu.


Joey is soooooooo cute! I wuv him sooo much! =D



Kaiba. Hands down, he is such a freakin' BAD***

So let me get this straight. You're playing a creampuff, and an elf.



This is an easy question to answer:

Favorite characters:
For my favorite male characters, it'd definitely be the guys I'm most similar to: the Pharaoh and the Dark Magician.

I also like Seto Kaiba. I don't know how to explain it, but it seems he's become a lot cooler since he got the Fang of Critias. I also admire how he talked down to Alister for thinking that genocide and world peace go hand-in-hand.

There's also Joey Wheeler to consider. I like him because he fights for the people he loves (much like me) and he has that cool New York accent.

As for the female characters: Mai Valentine. I'm practically *in love* with her. She's beautiful and smart and independent. So you can probably imagine how upset I was when she got sent to the Shadow Realm, and then again when she got Orichalcosed. (Fyi, as attractive as thigh-high boots and fingerless gloves are, Mai does *not* look good in a biker outfit. And on that note, why did they have to change Mai's voice like that. Now she sounds all snobbish and domineering, which in turn messes up the flashbacks. Oh yeah, this new voice will have the guys stampeding to her)

I also like Tea Gardner. Not only is she attractive and have an exquisite fashion sense, but she's a good person and she is fiercely dedicated to her friends (and Tea is *not* sugary! I mean, excuse me? Are you suggesting that the only good girl is a bad girl?).

Least favorite characters:
Tristan, because when Mai got corrupted by the Orichalcos and Joey was heartbroken about it, Tristan made him feel *worse* about it. And to think, Tristan was the name of one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table.

Weevil Underwood. Not only does he lie, cheat, and steal, but the Orichalcos turned him into a sadist. As if he weren't enough of a jackass prior to his receiving the curse.

Raphael, for being cynical. But mostly because he put the curse of the Orichalcos on the Pharaoh. That was the second of the two most satanic acts I ever saw in my life (the first was when King Eurystheus sent Hercules to get Cerberus).

Valon. He is not worthy of that name. Why, you ask? Because Valon is obviously a parody of the word 'valor', and Valon's only brave because he's an overconfident hothead. And since he likes Mai and is thus obsessed with proving himself to her, it's obvious that he thinks with his groin instead of his brain.

Dartz. He's a soul junkie and he makes people offers for power they don't want to refuse. Is he an incarnation of the Devil, or is Dartz just another one of Satan's many nicknames? And any bad guy who smiles as often as he does is easily untrustworthy in my book (Btw, here's another reason to not like the Great Leviathan. In case you haven't figured it out from playing Devil May Cry 3, the Leviathan represents Envy, the third deadly sin).



okay, well little Yugi becuz he's sooooooo cute!!!! and his voice is sooo cute too and he's so sweet, kind, nice, ect.

the next would be Yami Yugi, becuz the pharaoh is pretty kewl for the most part

and last but not least, Marik, not the posessed Marik, JUST Marik! lol

and Seto Kaiba is a jerk, but he sounds and looks hot! lol!


Wow, no one's mentioned minor duelists much...

Mine is EASILY Weevil Underwood. Why?

(1) I think he's cute...when drawn by the right people--he gets drawn so many different ways...

(2) I love little geeks

(3) He's pitiable


(4) The Seal of Orichalcos episodes...Weevil's time to shine. The guy's got guts, plus red eyes make him look totally hot, and I'm sooo into "give-in-to-your-dark-side" stories. (Apparently, I have this complex with all males...thinking they need rescuing all the time...)

Now explain how it turned him into a "sadist?" He did play that one evil joke, but he definitely would've done that anyway...unless there's something from an "uncut" episode I missed? I'd say it was Yami who was acting like a sadist in that episode--cutting into my poor Weevil like that.



And proud of it!



Well, you do admit that he used Breaker to slice up Weevil like a salami sandwich?


Oh that's nothing. In the Japanese version...::drum-roll::...Rex Raptor farted on Weevil!

Here's what happened: the two were exhausted from all the fighting they were doing in that suitcase, so they were sleeping, and Raptor's butt was propped up against Weevil's face, and then... (As the newspeople say, "and now you know the rest of the story").


Thief King Bakura for the male. I find him more intriguing than the other Bakurae, and oh-so-much more fun to draw. :3 And while I'm not an overzealous fangirl who drools and thinks she's married to him/owns him, I can also admit he's hot. Oo
The fact that he's finally been introduced to the American audience frightens me. *awaits hordes of scary fanthings*

And for the female... Kisara. For basically the same reasons I like TKB-- interesting character, huge impact on the story, fun to draw. And I guess you could say she's attractive, too, but I don't swing that way. :3

And, ironically, one of my favorite couples in the fandom is TKB x Kisara, even though that couple makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. =P That's probably why I like it.


ok fav characters! the only reason i watch yugi is for JOEY!!!!! and SETO KAIBA!!!!! they rule!


Bakura Ryou! So much more hot in the manga! (Um... and why has he got a fake English accent in the American dub? Pray enlighten me...)

Pairings (never thought I'd tell people this but here goes...)
MarikxYami no Bakura
Yami no Yuugi (Atemu, Yami)xYuugi (sorry, but it's true... he even calls him aibou! ~_^)
Jounuuchi (Joey)x Seto
Honda (Tristan)xAnzu (Tea)
MokubaxThat annoying little girl whose grandfather was an Egyptologist
Otogi (Duke)xPegasus

Damn, all paired up and noone left for Isis... guess she can have Moto Sugoruku...



Bakura is asome his personality combind with the english voice actor make him my fav character whith seto kaiba in a close second for his cocky attitude


Yeah his English voice actor's great. But the Japanese one makes him sound a bit...girly.

Fav. Male Characters:
- The 3 Bakuras (Ryou, Yami Bakura, Thief King)
- Malik (not the pyscho, the regular! >_<)
- Mini-Yugi xD
- Duke Devlin
- Seto Kaiba

Fav. Female Characters:
- Mai
- Isis Ishtar
- Kisara



^YAH! Bakura is my all time fav, second would be marik


What's so great about Marik? He put Mai in the Shadow Realm, the second worst place in the world (the first being Innsmouth, Massachusetts).


^ His evil makes him so cool. If i had a chance i would put Mai in the shadow realm!

Oh and Duke hes pretty cool! ;)


Excuse me? You would put a beautiful woman in the Shadow Realm for no good reason?!


My fav characters are:
Yami/Atemu: He's sooo hot
Joey: He's soo funny
Tea: She's really supportive of her friends
Tristan: Joey and Tristan- what a team! hahah also really funny together



At last! Someone besides me likes Tea.

"We're all gonna die" --Rattrap, Beast Wars


Nothing is wrong with Tea she just likes to keep her friends together and make sure joey and tristan don't fight haha!



Kaiba, thats my only favourite character who's still good. They've been slowly ruining all my other favourtie characters. Mai they ruined with the new voice actor in the waking the dragons saga and atemu isn't as fun in the manga. Oh yeah, I like Mako Tsunami because he runs a water deck like me cause they rule.

mep merk merk mep - kobold saying


Now that you mention it, there's a character in the new video game Dungeon Siege II named Taar, who's similar to Tea. Here's Taar's character description so you can see for yourself:

"Like all Dryads, Taar is acutely aware of the world around her. No other race is as attentive or responsive to an ever-changing environment, which makes Dryads such popular traveling companions. Taar is laid-back and relaxed, even for a Dryad. As a child, she always adapted well to change and was a good communicator with both humans and animals, qualities she retains into adulthood.

In the town of Eirulan, her job as an assistant to Prison Warden Celia has led her into some conflicts - she tends to be sympathetic to the prisoners, while her colleagues (her boss in particular) are notably hostile. Perhaps her sympathy for animals extends to any creature in a cage.

Her true passion is the pursuit, and sometimes debunking, of mysteries. If there is a myth within a culture that can be either proven or disproven, Taar's curiosity will take her across the country to find out.

Taar is cautious around Half-Giants, their sheer bulk intimidates her. Her relationship with Elves, though, must be described as nothing short of fascination.

It is said that the original creation of the Dryad race, during the great cataclysm, was partly from Elven blood. But the trait that most attracts Taar to Elves is their talent for tapping into the collective subconscious of creatures around them.

Not all Dryads are so empathetic; Taar's cousin Deru, for instance, can be downright hostile to those around her. When they were children together, Deru's aggressive play habits annoyed Taar so severely that she often avoids her cousin to this day. She also tends to be suspicious of bellicose types, or even a playful machismo."

"We're all gonna die" --Rattrap, Beast Wars



"Although her (Rebecca's) obsession with Yuugi is kinda scary sometimes"

That's why I was considerably amused by the episode where she duels Leon Wilson. It was quite funny to see Cinderella kick off her glass slippers to hit Rebecca in the face with them (and since they're glass, it's probably quite painful). Also, when she thought to herself, "Great! I'm fighting a bunch of fairies and princesses - and I'm losing!" I said, "That's what makes it fun".

"We're all gonna die" --Rattrap, Beast Wars



To Pipstherealityimpared.

We have something in common!

Okay, first, my fav character is Seto Kaiba! Can't think of some reasons but he is my absolute fav! Followed by Yami Yuigi/Pharaoh/Atemu, whatever you like to call him.

Back to what I was gonna saw b4 I put in my fav character, I totally agree with you Pip!

My fav pairings are also:


Ever heard of There are some good fanfics concerning the above pairings. Go and check it out! I have an addiction for fanfiction. No kidding either! I go there and start reading and mum asks me if I'm laying an egg because I'm laughing so hard! :) There are some great ones there!

Over and Out!

